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     LAUREL EMBERS LOOKED AT THE photos curiously, sitting on the bed of her makeshift room

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LAUREL EMBERS LOOKED AT THE photos curiously, sitting on the bed of her makeshift room. Natasha and her had found that instead of telling, seeing was easier to jumpstart Laurel's memories. They found this out when she re-met Clint Barton.

According to Natasha, and some of the memories that had broken through, he was one of her closest friends, a partner some would say. But Laurel didn't remember because of his name, she only remembered when she spoke to him one day at Avengers Tower.

Upon seeing his face, she began remembering moments of training and working alongside Clint and Natasha. It was good to know her only friend wasn't the Winter Soldier, but even so, she still worried.

On most days, Laurel's mind could drift back to the Black Siren persona and being Hydra's pet. She had moments where she wondered what her old partner was doing, whether he was alright, she even thought about going to look for him once or twice.
She hadn't used her sonic scream since the moment she fell from the helicarrier. Half due to the power dampener that was always wrapped around her wrist, but also out of fear.

She feared that if she used it, it could drag her back to being an assassin. So she chooses not to argue against the bracelet.

She sat crosslegged, resting her head on one of her palms as she stared with an unreadable expression at the pictures of herself, Natasha and Clint. Laurel's lips twitched upwards as she started remembering certain details, one being that she took down Clint with one swift kick. However, she didn't have a memory of winning against Natasha but from what she was informed, no one beats Natasha Romanoff.

Meanwhile, unnoticed by the woman, Maria Hill walked down one of the halls with a tablet in her hands. Her eyes scanned through the information on Hydra's experiments as she looked for enhanced individuals, ones matching what Tony had described.

The Avengers were supposed to arrive anytime soon and she still couldn't find the names or a description of the enhanced ones abilities.

But, the tall woman halted at Laurel's opened door. She curiously glanced over to the ex assassin, the dirty blonde's eyes focused on the small photos in front of her. Then she remembered what Laurel was good at before she died.

"Hey Laurel," she greeted, watching as the blonde snapped her head up. She nodded in acknowledgement before turning back to the photos.

In all honesty, Laurel was disappointed she hadn't gone on any type of mission since Natasha saved her.  But she shouldn't be surpised as she knew it'd take a while for the heroes to trust an ex assassin.

"Mind giving me some help?" Maria asked, as she stepped deeper into the room. Again, Laurel looked up but her expression had a hint of curiosity towards what Maria needed help with. "I remember you being extrodinary at hacking and... I could use those skills."

Laurel shrugged before moving the photos into a pile and placing it in her lap. She patted the spot next to her. "I can try, but what I used to be able to do may not be what I can do now."

Maria sat down, crossing one of her legs over the other. She handed the tablet to the old SHIELD agent. "I'm sure you can find the identity of two people," she smiled reasurringly and went on to explain what Tony had informed her of.

Cracking her fingers dramatically, she sat the device on her lap, on top of the photos, and got to work. Her fingers moved like lightning across the keyboard, hacking through the database and searching through the Hydra files Natasha and Fury hadn't been able to expose.
Maria watched her, interested at the uncommon talent Laurel Embers had. Her conclusion was that Hydra kept her hacking skills, continuing to train her with them because it'd be helpful for them.

It was like she was a type of speedster, her eyes moving fast from side to side as she scanned through descriptions and photos before freezing on one.

The file read: "Pietro and Wanda Maximoff"

"I think I've got it!" Laurel announced with her hands clasped together in the air.

"You- What?" Maria exclaimed, amused at how quickly the blonde managed to find it.

"I found your enhanced individuals," Laurel answered with a quiet laugh. "Names are Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, twins, Sokovian residents and orphaned at young ages after their apartment building fell, the pair had volunteered to experience Hydra's experiments," she brought the tablet to the space in between Maria and her, pointing at the photos of the fallen building and the twins. "The experiments basically made them powerful beings, Pietro being as fast as a speeding bullet and Wanda having multiple abilities that could have catastrophic outcomes if not controlled properly."

"Increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis," Maria read out before scrolling to Wanda Maximoff. "Neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation."

"See, powerful beings," Laurel stated, before placing the tablet back into Maria's grasp.

"Yeah, I can tell," She answered, looking at the pictures of the twins again. She truly wondered how people that looked innocent could be hiding such powerful abilities.

Laurel nodded more to herself, before looking down at the photos in her lap. She picked up the one of Natasha, Clint and her again. "Can I ask you something?"

Maria looked up with a slightly confused expression. She however nodded and motioned for the woman to continue.

"Has anyone actual beaten Natasha in a sparring match?" she asked, holding the small photo in front of her eyes, smiling slightly at the weak memory she had by looking at in.

Maria let out a soft laugh. "No, from my experience, I don't think anyone can."

"Good to know I've got that down," Laurel smirked, glancing over at the agent next to her.

Maria's eyes diverted past Laurel though, looking through the wide window that was laid out across the back wall.

"Well, you might get to ask Natasha yourself because there back," she joked before jumping to her feet with the tablet in hand.

Maria exited quickly, knowing she would have to meet the Avengers when they land, share the information Laurel had just discovered.

So, Laurel decided to join. She slid the photos off her lap and rushed after Maria.

The heels of her boots clicked loudly against the tiled floors as she followed close behind Maria, feeling like she truly was helping now. She had just used the skills she has to benefit the 'good guys' and it made her feel happy.

Black Siren was truly beginning to evaporate from her and hopefully soon, she'll be able to accompany the Avengers on a mission and do some good in the world that she only created evil in.

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