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      THE WIND WHIPPED AT LAUREL'S hair as the quinnjet floated down gracefully to the pad

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      THE WIND WHIPPED AT LAUREL'S hair as the quinnjet floated down gracefully to the pad. The cool breeze made Laurel cross her arms in an attempt to give herself some warmth.

Dr Cho stood next to Laurel with her hands wrapped together in front of her. Apparently one of the Avengers had gotten injured and Laurel was curious to know who. They were all extraordinary humans that should know how to defend themselves.

The propellers slowed down, eventually coming to a hault, cutting the cool breeze as well. The back of the ship slid open and Natasha rushed out with an bedridden Clint Barton next to her.

Laurel raised an eyebrow as she curiously watched them go, Dr Helen Cho stating and asking things in a foreign language to Laurel. She debated following when Thor exited the quinnjet as well, an interesting relic in his grasp.

The blonde's eyes widened as she looked at the staff, reaching out a hand only to retract it when she saw the look Thor gave her. "I suggest you don't do that, Laurel."

The golden staff held a small blue mineral in the curved end. It emitted a bright blue that looked as if it could blind someone who looked at it for too long.

"Sorry... It looks... Interesting?" Laurel answered to his suggestion, shrugging slightly to herself. Thor let out a light chuckle and continued his walk into the tower.

She turned back to the quinjet and returned at Maria side as she started speaking to the two still onboard.

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark.

"Lab's all set up, boss," the ex SHIELD agent insisted only for Stark to correct her.

"Oh, actually he's the boss," he corrected, pointing to the Captain as he spun in his chair. "I just pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler."

Laurel rolled her eyes, shaking her head at the billionaire's arrogance.

"Hey! I created the braclet you wear!" Tony called out, noticing Laurel's annoyance. "Don't you feel cool with it?"

The blonde managed to catch his ridiculous grin as she focused on the Captain, not wanting to deal with anymore of Tony's remarks.
She had discovered she wasn't a fan of Iron Man recently.

Noticing how she wanted to get a move on, Steve spoke up to the two women. "What's the word on Strucker?"

"NATO's got him."

He stepped in between the two, ducking as he came to the exit.  "Two enhanced? Possibly three?"

Laurel's head tilted as Maria glanced at her. She knew of the Maximoff twins when she was the Black Siren, however she wasn't allowed to interact with the twins, but she tried to think of another.

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