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       AT ULTRON'S WORDS, FOUR OF Tony's suits shot out from behind him, shattering the glass and aiming for the group

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       AT ULTRON'S WORDS, FOUR OF Tony's suits shot out from behind him, shattering the glass and aiming for the group. Two soared towards Steve and Laurel, the super soldier defensively kicking the coffee table up only for it to slam into them, pushing the pair back.

Melissa soared into the air, her glasses in one hand as Helen and Reyna quickly got to cover. The Superhuman quickly used her heat vision on one of the suits Maria was firing at, only for it to absorb the attack, bouncing back towards her. She ducked to the side, glaring at the suit, only for it to loose interest in Maria and fly to her.

The robot and hybrid tumbled to the floor, a thud sounding as they collided with it.

Thor knocked one to the side as Rhodey and Tony slid down diagonal placed windows to a lower level.

Laurel scrambled to her feet, throwing her arms at her sides because of what her instincts told her. But then she remembered that her scream was inaccessible.

"You gotta be kidding me!" She exclaimed, ducking behind cover.

"What?" Steve exclaimed from her side, trying to avoid being shot.

Laurel ignored him, her eyes darting around the protection for a short second, but long enough for her to see a rogue robot snag the sceptre as another distracted Maria and Natasha from even trying to fight it.

She turned back to the front, her hands moving to the bracelet, pulling hard on it to only throw her head back in defeat, teeth grinding together out of annoyance.

"Laurel, there's no way you're getting that off," Steve commented, making Laurel scoff, rolling her eyes.

"No shit!" She shouted over the noise, annoyance spiking. "Ugh... I need my sonic scream!"

She glanced to the other side, over Steve, noticing Natasha and Bruce dive over the bar for cover. Laurel assessed the situation quickly, making out a route that was safest for her to get to them as she knew if Tony were to tell anyone about how to get the dampener off, it'd be Bruce Banner.

"Try and destroy the robots," Laurel commanded Steve, determined to get the power dampener off. She slid across the tiling, making sure to keep her head down as Steve shifted to the other side, allowing her to take his place.

He nodded, understanding what she was planning and took off the other way, leaping at another robot and wrapping his arm around the neck, attempting to rip it off.

Laurel paid no attention though, focusing purely on getting to Bruce and Natasha. Waiting for a small break in the firing, Natasha poked her head over the bar, having a pistol now and firing at some of the Iron Man suits. Laurel took the opportunity, running across the room and leaping over the bar, rolling slightly on the other side. She slammed into the racks of alcohol due to the small space, forcing them to jingle and ting together, making her groan but other then that, she landed perfectly, heels screeching loudly against the tiling.

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