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     AFTER PROBABLY ABOUT TWENTY MINUTES of walking aimlessly around the party, Laurel found herself in one of the higher balconies, still on her own

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AFTER PROBABLY ABOUT TWENTY MINUTES of walking aimlessly around the party, Laurel found herself in one of the higher balconies, still on her own.
Being at one of Tony Stark's amazing parties definitely helped her realise that it wasn't her type of scene, and she'd much prefer being in her room watching some type of movie or listening to some random type of music.

The balcony she stood upon hung over the main room, overlooking the party and gave her the space she needed.

She walked with her arms crossed and squeezing through some of the guest up there, obviously not knowing anyone still, until she noticed Steve and Sam. A form of relief brushed over her, glad she finally found someone she knew and someone who somewhat liked her.

Sam seemed to notice her first giving her a small smile and nudging Steve. The super soldier looked up, glancing to where Sam motioned, Laurel watched as a smile quickly formed on his lips.

"You're actually out of your room, Laurel," Sam joked once Laurel was close enough.

"Ha, ha... Forced, actually," she corrected, in a nonchalant tone.

"I figured," Steve nodded along, his smile never fading. "Where is Nat by the way?"

Laurel motioned towards one of the large windows, the one where the two journalists and Black Widow stood. Each of them seemed to be enjoying each others company, smiles on each of their faces and laughs being shared.

"Talking to journalists, I don't think I'm ready for that," she admitted shyly, tucking her hands in her red coats pockets.

Steve knew exactly who the two woman were, never being able to forget his teammates and fellow Avengers. "Reyna and Melissa, they're nice people."

"I'm going to have to take your word for that," Sam shrugged before backing away from the two. "Want anything? Drink, food?"

Laurel raised an eyebrow, noticing the already half filled glass in his hand.

He quickly noticed it, and chugged the alcoholic beverage. "Well, I'm getting a refill!" Sam announced, hurrying away from the pair.

Laurel watched him go with a confused stare. "You have interesting friends." Steve chuckled lightly as she turned back, loosely crossing her arms.

"You at least enjoying it?" Steve questioned.

Laurel sighed, biting the inside of her mouth gently, letting her eyes drift to the floor below. No, she really wasn't.

"Crowds... Not my scene, especially with people I don't know," she admitted quietly, motioning to the bustling guests.

Steve shrugged, muttering a fair enough. He glanced over to the ex Hydra agent, watching from the side as Laurel's glimmering dull eyes scanned the floor below. He understood how anxious it must make her, considering she didn't know who was Hydra and who wasn't, despite the Avengers taking down most of the evil organisation.

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