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LAUREL SHIFTED ON HER FEET. She could hear her heart thumping loudly in her chest, the sound almost being isolated from the rest. Camera flashes covered her vision, even with her being at the back of the courtroom. Reporters and journalists littered the small room, some blocking Laurel's view but she managed to find a good spot.

The woman lowered the sunglasses that hid her identity, precautions Natasha had said, to the ridge of her nose. She focused back to the front and to the woman that swore she'd help recover the many memories Laurel had lost.

"Do you solemely swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," the female bailiff stated with Natasha mirroring her actions, her hand raised as she said the oath.

"I do."

The bailiff nodded and allowed the SHIELD agent to take her seat. Natasha gladly did so, not before glancing behind her.

She caught Laurel hiding behind the crowd and smiled reasurringly, making the blonde nod.

"Why haven't we yet heard from Captain Rogers?" one of the many committee members questioned.

Cameras continued to flash and journalist continued to scribble notes down, looking for their big stories.

"I don't know what there is left for him to say, I think the wreck in the middle of the Potomac made his point fairly eloquently," Natasha answered confidently after taking a moment to fit her words together.

"Well he could explain how this country is expected to maintain its national security now that he, and you, have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus."

"Hydra was selling you lies, not intelligence," Natasha pointed out, already feeling a type of annoyance invade her gut.

"Many of which you seemed to have had a personal hand in telling."

Just the mention of Hydra made Laurel feel sick as well. They took away way too many years of her life and she wasn't prepared for anyone else to have to experience it. It was bad enough Bucky and her were stuck under Hydra's radar, no one else deserved to suffer under the supervision of the corporation.

"Agent, you should know that there are some on this committee who feel, given your service record both for this country and against it, that you belong in a penitentiary," another member stated leaning forward in his chair. "Both you and the woman that has been rumoured to be known as Black Siren."

"I-I do not follow," Natasha tried to lie, but she knew where this was heading and it had caught Laurel's attention.

Laurel stepped forward from her spot, leaning against the back wall, sliding the glasses back in front of her eyes as she listened. Laurel didn't know what she had done was wrong because she didn't have any memories besides Hydra. After her first memory wipe, Laurel was groomed to be a law breaker, a murderer. Both her and Bucky Barnes were.

"Rumors spread around that you have been seen with a woman that is believed to be the well-known murderer, Black Siren," another committee member clarified for Natasha. She frowned as she tried to keep her composure in front of the people that were bringing up the friend she only recently got back. "Can you confirm these rumours?"

Natasha bit her tongue and wiped her sweating palms against her legs. Her mind raced and she wanted to look back at Laurel, to make sure she was alright, but she kept her eyes forwards.

"The woman I have been seen with is someone who is looking for assistance in an area I have experience in," Natasha went on to explain, making sure not to name her friend. Laurel didn't need the reports and publicity.

"Either way, many believe that you should be in penitentiary, not mouthing off Captiol Hill."

Laurel focused on the back of Natasha's head, knowing she can't turn around and speak to her. She was hoping and praying the agent would be able to word her sentence correctly.

"You're not going to put me in a prison. You're not going to put any of us in a prison?" Natasha spoke confidently. "You know why?"

"Do elighten us."

"Because you need us," Natasha answered, making Laurel sigh. She didn't have a memory of Natasha being so good with words. "Yes the world is a vulnerable place, and yes, we help make it that way. But we're also the ones best qualified to defend it. And before you ask, yes, that includes the woman I've been seen with, because with the correct help, she too can be qualified to help defend. "

The committee members stared at her with blank but confused expressions, but Natasha was confident in what she was saying.
Hopefully, by stating the last sentence, it'll help people trust Laurel when the world discovers her canary like cry.

"So, if you want to arrest me, arrest me. You'll know where to find me."

The committee exchanged questioning glances with each other and as a few seconds past with no advancment, Natasha rose from her seat. Cameras flickered and flashed as reporters tried to get the best view of Natasha Romanoff as she made her exit.

The crowd parted, giving way for the woman as she walked. Natasha ignored the questions being yelled at her, keeping a stone cold face and she motioned for Laurel to follow. The blonde woman nodded, squeezing in front of the crowd and ending up by Natasha's side as the two walked through the long hallways the courthouse possessed.

"Thank you," Laurel spoke up, her voice much quieter due to the reporters still following them.

Natasha tilted her head. "What for?"

"For defending me in there," she clarified, staring at the slick tiling on the floor. "You could of dropped my name and I immediately would've been taken into custody, prison, where I recieve what I deserve."

Natasha frowned once more before grabbing Laurel's cold hand. The blonde looked to the hands before up to Natasha, her lips parted as she tried to search for words but the red-head's small smile made her stay silent.

"I know you don't remember me, nor your time at SHIELD, but I'd walk across the sun for you Laurel," she gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm glad your alive and what you did as the Black Siren... That was not you."

"But it was-"

"No, it was the commands and brainwashing Hydra did," Natasha tried to reasurre Laurel's worried mind. "And I'm going to protect you and help you no matter what. I'll always be here Laurel, and I'll help you remember who you are."

The blonde looked up to her red headed friend, ignoring the clicking of paparazzi cameras and questions that were being shouted at them.

"Thank you," she said gently.

Natasha smiled.

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