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     AFTER A LONG DISCUSSION AND some confessions with Natasha, Laurel felt a lot better about her fear and, little did she know, Natasha did as well

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     AFTER A LONG DISCUSSION AND some confessions with Natasha, Laurel felt a lot better about her fear and, little did she know, Natasha did as well. She felt that letting it all roll off her chest helped her calm down and reasurred herself it was just a fear and that it wasn't real.

She and Natasha sat at the dinning table, Natasha picking at some of the food Laura had prepared whilst Laurel sat next to her quietly.
Nick Fury had came to check on the Avengers, Maria having contacted him after the failure of a fight they experienced the day prior. Melissa was glad to see her old friends, the other Avengers perhaps a little less.

"Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time," Fury explained to them, the Avengers being scattered around Laura and Clint's dining room. "My contacts all say he's building something. The amount of vibranium he made off with, I don't think it's just one thing."

Lila wondered over to where Natasha sat, holding out a sheet of paper with another in her other hand.

Natasha gratefully took the drawing, giving the young girl a small smile a soft kiss on her forehead. Laurel watched from the side, eyes examming the yellow butterfly the young girl made, a small smile making its way onto her lips. She only snapped out of it when Lila appeared at her side, holding a picture out to her.

Laurel looked to the daughter of Clint, lips parted in surprise as she took the drawing. She could work out it was an attempt at drawing a yellow bird, bold eyes and a light coloured beak.

"It's a Canary!" Lila said, grinning widely at Laurel. "Daddy said you had a scream like a canary so mommy helped me draw this."

Laurel looked up with wide eyes, seeing Natasha smiling warmly at the gesture and Laura watching from the living room. Her eyes shone happily at the sight of her daughter with Laurel and the happiness that spread across the ex Hydra agent's expression warmed her heart.

"It's beautiful," Laurel finally said as she struggled to find words. "Thank you." Lila grinned and what surprised Laurel was when the young girl wrapped her arms around her stomach the best she could, smooshing her head in Laurel's side.
She tensed, only relaxing when Lila let go and rushed back to Clint and Laura.

Laurel took one last look at the drawing before focusing back on Fury, placing the paper on the dinning table and folding her arms. She completely missed Steve watching her, blue eyes glimmering in admiration as Laurel thanked Lila.

But she couldn't shake Lila's words. A scream like a canary...

"It still doesn't help us get an angle on any of his plans, though, does it?" Melissa spoke up, moving from her position on the kitchen counter to a seat at the table. Nick shook his head at the Superhuman.

"Is he still after launch codes?" Steve questioned, snapping out of his mini trance.

"Yes, he is, but he's not making any headway," Nick told them, only for Tony to perk up from his corner, the billionaire enjoying a game of darts by himself.

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