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THE HEIGHT WAS AN ADVANTAGE, that was something Laurel would've known without her SHIELD training combined with Black Siren training.

It had been about a year since Ultron, and Laurel was getting better. She'd control herself a lot better then what she once did but many of the Avengers noticed something that seemed to be a side affect of her Hydra history.
No matter if it was sparring or purely fighting an enemy, Laurel was brutal. She showed no mercy, and even when her opponent was down, she continue to fight, punch, kick or do whatever she could to hurt the opponent further. She didn't stop until her sparring partner voiced their concern and brought her away from the fight. The urge to be relentless was something everybody saw in Laurel and they were yet to find a way to get rid of the urge she felt.

However, Steve and Natasha still allowed Laurel to accompany them on separate missions and assignments, like she was now, along with Sam and Wanda.

She stood in one of the many building surrounding the market place, Steve beside her as they both looked out the window and down to where Natasha and Wanda were sitting. She leant on the window sill, keeping the plain curtains seperated and giving herself and her "somewhat boyfriend" a good view. The two had been on a few different dates and hang outs in the past year, Laurel loved each of the nights, but they were nothing official despite how close they were.

Steve gently placed his hand on Laurel's back as he looked out the window, catching sight of the Black Widow and young Maximoff. "All right, what do you see?"

The two watched as Wanda looked over her shoulder, one hand holding her mug near her mouth and the other resting on top of the red charm she wore. "Standard beat cops, small station, quiet street," Wanda listed, her accent still heavy through the comms. Jade's necklace never left Wanda's sight, no one could take it from her. She continued running her thumb over the circular charm, it seeming to have a calming affect as the older Avengers practically quizzed her.

"It's a good target," Laurel said with pursed lips, masked eyes moving to Steve before back to the window. Her suit hadn't changed dramatically, specifically staying as a black leather suit with a bo staff as her main weapon.

Once Melissa had healed after the Ultron, she made sure to give Laurel her new identity. An article was posted, by her, titling the newest Avengers as "The Canary" or, as many have been calling her, "Black Canary".

Steve nodded to Laurel's words. "There's an ATM on the south corner, which means?"

"Cameras," Wanda answered confidently.

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