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      WITH PIETRO ZOOMING PAST, TRYING  to help with his speed, and Wanda forming a red orb to fight Captain America with, Jade threw a strong wind currant at her old student

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WITH PIETRO ZOOMING PAST, TRYING to help with his speed, and Wanda forming a red orb to fight Captain America with, Jade threw a strong wind currant at her old student.

The wind hit Laurel, making her skid back but not far. So, as she regained her footing, she looking up and sucked in a breath before letting it go. Sound waves flowed out of her throat, approaching Jade.

The wind sorceress defensively threw her own wave, manipulating the air around her and building a type of shield to collide with the sound waves.

"Jade!" Laurel called out as the waves dispurse into the air. "You know this is wrong-"

"I don't have a choice," Jade replied, voice empathetic.

"Yes, yes you do,"Laurel insisted, surprised when Jade threw no wind. "I fixed myself, we can help you."

"You didn't have anyone at Hydra," Jade commented, opening her palm and collecting some of the air behind her. Laurel frowned at her statement because she did have someone, someone that she sadly had to separate from before Jade continued with her harsh truth. "I do, and I can't ditch them."

Jade threw the air she collect, pushing Laurel back, not wanting to fight the Black Siren. Backing away, Jade just hoped she could fight someone she didn't have a connection to, but she walked away feeling shocked.

Black Siren was with the Avengers, trying to get her to join them, and having sympathy. Jade had no memory of Black Siren ever being like that.

Meanwhile, Pietro sped around, dodging the shots and weapons in his speed. He thought he was invisible, a blur to the enemy, but there was one person that could see him.

Melissa noticed him running through, the blue blur zooming past her as she flew up to the floor above again. She saw him dodge a falling iron legionnaire, Laurel's body being pushed back by a wind current from the sorceress and the Captain America shield. She quickly pushed herself forward, throwing her feet out and kicking him to the side. He still punched Steve, the super soldier falling back, but Melissa got him. He fell back, but with his speed, recovered.

Melissa growled under her breath, throwing her arms out and becoming a blur almost herself. She flew after him, seeing him become interested in Mjnolnir, the weapon flying past.

He reached out, grabbing the handle only to be tugged back and fly past Melissa this time. The Superhuman did a double take, looking behind to see Pietro tumble into the back wall and she took the opportunity to hopefully knock him out of the fight for good.

Again, she threw her legs out and kicked him to the side making him fall through one of the metal barriers and tumble to the floor below.

He struggled up, only for Steve to hit him back down, Melissa floating to be on the same floor.

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