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      LAUREL FOUND IT WEIRD BEING able to walk freely

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      LAUREL FOUND IT WEIRD BEING able to walk freely. She was so used to being on Hydra's leash that she didn't know what it felt like to be free, not having to worry about doing something wrong.

Even though it had been a few days since the carrier went down, and people started calling her Laurel, she still felt like something was missing from her and she still wasn't used to the name 'Laurel' being used in reference to her.

Her eyes followed the gravestones as she walked, tracing out the lettering on each of the stones. Natasha Romanoff walked besides her, her own eyes watched her friend curiously. She couldn't even begin to imagine what Laurel had gone through to get to this point.

A small bracelet was hanging around her right wrist. An invention courtesy of Stark, one that blocked out her scream. She would've fought back, claiming she wouldn't use her ability but deep down, she knew it was probably for the best. Safer for her and those who are around her.

Finally, the blonde stopped, turning to fully face one of the gravestones. Natasha took the spot besides her, looking down at the writing as she placed a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Laurel Embers," the assassin read out. "Loved daughter, sister and friend. May she rest in peace."

Laurel bent down, reaching out and placing a hand on the stone. She thought hard, harder then she ever had, but there was nothing trying to break through.

"I-I do not remember..." Laurel admitted, bowing her head. The grass under her flicked at her feet due to the soft breeze. "I don't have a memory of siblings, or parents..." her voice croaked slightly, the reality of the fact Hydra made her forget about her family finally setting in. They took everything from her.

Natasha frowned behind her as she crossed her arms. She didn't overly have memories of her own parents but she knew of a parental figure. Laurel would've had none when she was Black Siren.

"Weird feeling isn't it?" Natasha glanced back to see Sam and Steve approaching the two women. Sam had a welcoming smile plasted across his face, Steve having a look of pure sympathy for the blonde that 'died'.

Laurel stood back up, crossing her arms. The blonde turned on her feet to face the pair, relief washing over her when she saw the Captain up right.

"How you doing Laurel?" Sam asked with genuine curiosity.

The blonde shrugged. "I'm going to guess and say that, I have been better," she focused more on the Captain, her eyes scanning him for wounds. Suprisingly, there were only a few bruises and scratches littered around. "I apologise for his actions, Captain, I thought he would've remembered like me."

Steve nodded, a small smile across his lips as he watched Laurel spin back to face the gravestone.

She read back over the words and sighed.

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