fluff for negative thot- thoughts

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absolutely nobody in this world....

not even Dr.Phil...


Caroline covered her ears from the furious yell of her mother. She came home expecting to be embraced with open arms, but was instead slapped on the head.

"Dear, please don't yell it upsets the neighbors." Isashi sweat dropped. He placed a hand gently on his wife's shoulder. "I agree that Caroline shouldn't have faced this person alone, but she must have had her reasons."

The woman relaxed in his touch. She gave a threatening stare to Caroline who put her hands up in defense. Isashi watched his wife walked into the kitchen and turned to his daughter.

"Listen young lady, it wasn't your fault that happened but why did you go against this other girl?" He sat beside her on the couch.

Thinking back on their fight, Cara Mia's words still stung Caroline. Her own family chose the life of a villain and she didn't even know how to deal with it. Memories of them when they were younger and happier just made it worse to think about.

"I don't know. She said some weird things and I guess it struck a chord in me." Caroline finally answered. She was still to piece together the older woman's words. She admitted to killing her own family out of jealousy, but their had to be more to it. And those powers she had as well. It just didn't make sense.

Isashi looked back to his wife. He rubbed his neck in thought. "I'm starting to have second thoughts about this school. I know I said we would support you in whatever you wanted to do...it's just your safety is more important and we don't want to see you hurt."

Caroline bowed her head. A hand gave her head a soft pat. She looked at her dad with a hint of shame.

"I can't promise that." Caroline bit her lip. "Things like this happen to heroes. It's not up to me to know what happens next, but that doesn't mean I won't at least try to protect myself." She looked at her mom who nodded in understanding. Her dad closed his eyes. He was having trouble coming to terms with these things.

"You better." He ruffled her hair. "Now go clean your room or no caramel apple treats." Isashi let go of his daughter as she practically flew up the stairs.

The married couple shared a deep look towards one another. They missed the days when Caroline was younger, even if she hadn't necessarily like them. They always loved her.

Caroline frantically threw stuff around in an attempt to make her room somewhat nice and organized. Even though it still looked like crap, she managed to get clothes off the floor and put them away. The girl flopped her body onto her bed and sighed. She closed her eyes and the sight of Stella's angered face showed up.

She shot up and groaned. That wretched bruja/witch was going to haunt her for awhile. She needed to clear her mind.

Well Kiri did say if I needed anything to text him. Caroline whipped out her phone and scrolled through her contacts until she landed on the one she was looking for.


Hi Kiri, it's Kajimo or Caroline 😅I don't
mind if you call me either

She only waited for a few minutes before her phone vibrated. A smile blossomed on her face seeing the name she chose for him.

Manly KiriShark
Hey gorl, how's it going?
I hope you're doing awesome 😊

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