the fierce encounter

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I don't own BnHa


warning: cursing, crazy chick (not Toga), btw your weaves might be snatched


Ruby eyes looked out the bus window observing the blue sky. They trailed to the reflection of the glass as they seen of amber eyes staring back at them. A smile made its way on Caroline's lips as the eyes narrowed.

“If we're going to talk about flashy then I would have to say the quirks in our class are Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kajimo.” Caroline turned her head to hear Kirishima's compliment. She beamed at him as her seat mate scoffed quietly. She glanced behind her and seen that Todoroki was peacefully asleep.

“Yeah sure but I don't think Bakugou would be popular with that attitude of his.” Tsuyu said.

Bakugou stood up and glared at her. “WHAT DID YOU SAY? I'LL FIGHT YOU, BITCH.”

“See.” Tsuyu pointed her finger.

Ha! Bakugou is being teased. Caroline covered her mouth as she stifled a giggle and put her hand on the male's shoulder. “Easy. She's just teasing.”

He looked back at her with an angry frown. “YOU ON HER SIDE, I'LL FIGHT YOU TOO!”

“Man, we've only known each other for a couple of days but I can tell your personality is wrapped in garbage and covered in sewage.” Kaminari mocked.


The pale girl looked at him with a disapproving look and became startled as he leaned his body over hers to try and charge at Kaminari. With a sigh, she pulled his arms to try and push him in his seat but he was stronger.

“NO TOMFOOLERY IN THIS BUS! BAKUGOU SIT DOWN.” Iida yelled. He moved his hands in the usual chopping motions. Caroline glared at him as a tick mark formed on her head.

She tried to calm Bakugou down but he cursed at her too. “GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME SPIT WOMAN! I'LL BEAT YOUR JACK-O-LANTERN LOOKING ASS TOO.”

This made Caroline pause before her face went dark. Kaminari's laughter soon ceased as he quickly shut up.

“SIÉNTATE AHORA, TE JALAR REALLY LA OREJA Y TE HARÉ PERMANECER EN TU ASIENTO/ SIT DOWN NOW, I'LL PULL YOU IN THE EAR AND I'LL MAKE YOU SIT IN YOUR SEAT.” Caroline cursed, grabbing Bakugou by the ear and slapped him on the head. The boy growled at her before looking away with the bus becoming silent.  

“Bitch.” He muttered.

“That's it-”

Aizawa turned towards them and quietly said, “Settle down.”

The class stared at Caroline as her eye twitched. Her sudden different language was weird to hear as they didn't understand it some were assumed by her tone that she was pissed off.

“Eso estúpido ira tuya es patética/ That stupid anger of yours is pathetic.” She muttered as the bus became quiet.

“I don't care what language that is, I still find it hot.” She heard Mineta say though soon he was hit in the head by a heel. Caroline dusted her hands off as she turned back in her seat.

Remind me to never make Kajimo-san angry. Izuku gulped as the girl looked at him and smiled.

The little bastard isn't wrong. Bakugo thought as his cheeks became warm. He didn't want to say it out loud but something sparked in him when the girl spoke her language. He glanced to see her face forward as she was putting her boot back on.

When they arrived to the facility, the class was greeted with the pro hero Thirteen. They wore a big white space suit and yellow shoes.

“Welcome, everyone!” They greeted.

Uraraka and Midoriya became jolly at the sight of this hero. Caroline smiled in their direction seeing their expressions. It made sense since she Izuku and learned about his fan boying while Uraraka had a gravity quirk so she was probably into space.

They were all taken inside where it was even more spacious and had many rescue scenarios. There was landslides, replicas of natural disasters, and much more. It was very marvelous and was meant for hero training.

“Wow.” Caroline gawked at the different locations that the place had. It reminded her of the amusement parks her parents would take her to.

“You should close your mouth before droll slips out.” Kirishima teased.

Caroline turned to him and punched his arm. “Shut up. You were just as impressed as I am. Though who wouldn't be when in this place.”

“It's awesome!” Mina grinned at them, hooking her arm around Caroline's. She nodded, agreeing with Mina. This made her happy as for once the pale girl didn't seem to mind her touching.

“Listen up! I have things to tell you.” Thirteen spoke up. They got the class's attention and continued. “We must use our quirks wisely as I am aware that some of you may have known my quirk. Sure it's powerful, but it can also be the cause of someone's death. I'm sure some of you may have that issue as well.”

Caroline listened to their words. Oh she definitely knew lots about death.

“I also-” Thirteen was cut off by lights flickering. The water fountain had slowly stopped draining water and was forming almost purple.

“Is this part of the training?” Caroline heard someone ask but didn't pay attention to who it was.

“No. It's something else.” Aizawa said. “Villains.” He prepared himself. “Kaminari, contact the school.”

Kaminari nodded and did his thing. Izuku stepped forward. “Aizawa-Sensei, your quirk is only meant for stealth and close one on one combat. Going into this big group alone is a bad idea.”

The class looked on in horror as many of the villains came close. One of them standing out by the mass of hands covering his form.

Todoroki had said some things but Caroline wasn't focused. Her breath hitched at the many scumbags that had the audacity to come into their school. Before she knew it, one of them came close.

“I heard All Might was going to be here but I see he isn't.” The misty villain looked on the class. “We are the league of villains. We came to this Haven to see how All Might ends and takes his last breath.”

Both Kirishima and Katsuki had dove forward and blasted at the smoky villain. Caroline's eyes widen as she saw them. Idiots are they trying to get killed!

“Do you really think we're going to let you stop us.” Kirishima smiled.  

“Ah~ how cute. The little boys thinks they can fight, huh?” A lady with blue skin and tribal outfit laughed as she sauntered to the class. Her blue eyes scanned the class until they landed on Caroline and her grin widened into an evil one. “Mmm, just the girl I was looking for. Hola prima/ Hey cousin. Surprised to see me. My how looks do run in the Ramirez family.”

Caroline's eyes widened at the surname. “Who the hell are you?” She now felt some eyes on her, including Bakugou. His confused eyes looked between them.

“Oh poo, I guess family bonds never really last do they?” The woman smirked as she looked at the misty hero beside her. “Hmm, I'm going to love this.” She turned her whole body into plasma.

Caroline's eyes widened as she stepped forward only to be pulled back. She turned to see Mina shaking her head. “No, don't do it Caro-chan.”

“Caro-chan? Last time I checked you were Carolina.” The woman giggled. “How cute. I wanna blast her too! Can I Caro-chan?” She laughed louder. Caroline shook her head as she launched forward and blasted her fire but was pushed back from the mist as her whole class became separated.

“I guess it appears I have to separate you all to meet my comrades.” That was the last thing that was said before the class was all transported into different sections.

To be continued…


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