the fierce battles

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I don't own BnHa

warning: cursing and maybe small fluff moments... possible ship, possible cringe

“Dammit where is she?” Bakugou whispered. “That woman better not have done anything shitty to her.” He growled. Katsuki was pacing as he hadn't seen Caroline and by the way that smurf bitch looked at her was something that he knew all too well.

“Hey man? What's up you look ...worried. It Kajimo-chan isn't it?” Kirishima grinned. “It's okay, Bakubro she's a strong girl.”

“Piss off. I'm not worried about anyone and of course she's strong.” Bakugou grumbled.

This made Kirishima grin. “Woah, you think she's strong! Do you like her or something? I mean I wouldn't blame you” He blushed.

Bakugou raised a brow. “No! Crushes? The fuck you saying those are for little twats.”

“Who's a twat?”

Both boys became startled when they seen Caroline holding someone in fire chains. They looked at the blue skinned girl who glared at them.

“Great! Just great.” she complained.

She was burned by the chains more when Caroline's eyes turned brighter. “Shush you blue hoe before I make you turn into a blue puddle.” she turned back to the boys, but was shocked when Bakugou came forward.


“Were you hurt?” He rasped.

“Yeah, but I kicked ass.” She looked away towards Stella with a proud smirk.

“I said if you were hurt, not about how you-fuck it at least you caught the bitch.” He said smirking at her.

Caroline's cheeks glowed as she felt his gaze and his breath from the proximity making her take a step back as she looked up at him. “I would ask you the same, but that would just be dumb of me since you're a strong guy.”

The two shared a certain look until Cara Mia pretended to gag. Kirishima smiled at the two.

“Get a room. Disgusting.”

“Shut up you sack of shit before I explode that shit filled face of yours. Looking like dumbass avatar.” Bakugou laughed. Caroline stifled a laugh making Bakugou smirk in her direction. She looked forward, tugging on the chains.

They stopped when they heard loud noises. It was All Might.

“Dammit. Let's go see what that shit was.” Bakugou said.

Kirishima raised a brow. “Shouldn’t we check-”

“Don't ask questions.” Bakugou looked at Caroline who caught on to what he was thinking. She turned to her cousin pulling the chains forward and elbowed Stella in the face hard before throwing a fire punch. The woman lost consciousness and fell, but Caroline picked her up and threw her over her shoulder.

“Okay let's go.” She ran ahead.

Bakugou ignored the warmth of his cheeks and remained focused on task when they arrived back into the main area with Kirishima on his side. Caroline had put her cousin down and summoned the chains once more.

“GET OUT OF MY WAY DEKU!” Bakugou hollered.

Caroline smirked as she went towards the other villains. Her glowing eyes meet with Todoroki. They gave each other nods before attacking. He used his ice to stop freezing the giant muscular bird from hurting All Might.

“One of your untrained men told me that you'd be here because you were trying to kill All Might.” He revealed.

“Really? How pathetic. You villains really are scum. Oh and by the way if your going to send a relative of mine, make sure they aren't ripoffs of avatar.” Caroline threw flame balls at handyman.

Kirishima jumped over her and tried to land a hit on the guy though he missed. “Aw, that would have been an awesome hit.”

“Guess I found your body that time you smokey bastard.” Bakugou smirked at the misty villain.

“The symbol of peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you.” Todoroki stated. Caroline glanced at him with a look of pride. Todoroki-san really knows how to stay cool

“Kacchan, everyone.” Midoriya said. When his eyes looked over at Caroline's they briefly turned surprise. Her long hair was flowing in flames along with her arms.

She looked over at him with a concerned expression as he had tears in his emerald eyes almost causing her to go and hug him. They were all at a showdown. Her eyes looked on as her classmates were beside her challenging the three villains.  

“Kurogiri, how can you let this little brat cause us trouble.” Handyman said.

Bakugou scoffed. “You got careless you dumb villain. It wasn't hard to figure you out. Only parts of you turn into a warp gate. You use that mist to hide your actual body as a kind of distraction, thinking that it made you safe. That's why we missed.”

“But if you didn't have a body you wouldn't be wearing this neck armor right? You're not immune to physical attacks for well aimed.” he continued.

Damn, he gets smarter and smarter. Caroline looked at him in admiration. Kurogiri squirmed as Caroline kneeled down across from Bakugou, flaming her hand just in case.

“Don't move. You try anything funny and either I'll blow your ass up so bad that they'll be piecing you back for weeks.” Bakugou said, eyes meeting Caroline's.

“Or I'll melt this cute accessory of yours so that your actual skin can look something like mine. Except that you won't be able to live through it.” She gave a sultry smile.

“Oh, that doesn't sound very heroic.” Kirishima said beaming at the two. They seem to be very googly eyed today.

“I escaped uninjured and two of my men and one of my strongest women were. Kids these days really are amazing.” He looked at Caroline. “Especially you, Caroline.” She took her eyes off Kurogiri and glared at the blue haired guy. “They make the villain league look like amateurs. Can't have that. Nomu.”

The bird creature gurgled when it's body went in the vortex only to come out and regenerate its lost limbs. Time felt like it began to speed up because Noma had ran towards Bakugou. The boy didn't do anything but stare at it. However, Caroline did do something. She gasped and threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his form and fire zooming them both a few feet away as both smoke covered them.

“KACCHAN, KAJIMO-SAN!” Midoriya yelled.

Bakugou opened his eyes, feeling Caroline's weight on him as he was on his back. He looked up and seen Caroline above him with her hair trickling his cheeks. Her arms were on his chest, feeling his racing heart. Her eyes fluttered open like a butterfly flapping its wings majestically as they took a moment to process what happened before they looked into his. His own became wide and he felt his throat become dry as her face was mere inches away from his as were her pink petal lips that were parted, releasing soft breaths. They leaned closer.

Did she really just save him?

“Bakugou.” She whispered. She suddenly pulled him into a hug. “You're alright!”

He looked at the guys who looked at him questioningly. “All Might.” he said.

The girl pulled away from him and tilted her head. Seeing how close they were, she chuckled nervously helping Bakugou up. She followed his gaze towards the pro hero who took the massive blow. His body was also releasing steam.

What was going to happen now?


(a/n) derp. What do you think is going to happen next? And what was that small moment about.

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