small moments

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I don't own BnHa

This chapter sucks more than Thirteen's black hole quirk. It's a filler hehehehehe.

Caroline barged through the door of the nurses office. She looked around and seen that Katsuki was on the bed, tapping away at his phone. She gasped and ran over to his side.

“You’re okay.” She smiled.

“No shit, I'm fucking extravagant. What? you think I'm some stupid weakling?” Katsuki raised a brow.

“No, I was just worried.” She chuckled sheepishly before twirling a strand of hair. “I guess a lot happened and well everyone kind of went about in their own way. So how was it with Kirishima?”

Katsuki groaned. That first sentence made his stomach feel warm. “That's a fuck ton of questions. You're lucky my parents aren't here yet.”

Caroline grabbed the stool and sat beside him.

“I guess it was thrilling.” He shrugged with a smirk. “I got to beat the shit out of a bunch of losers. As for weird hair-”

“Kirishima.” Caroline glared slightly.

“-He's got skill, I'll give him that.” He looked at the ceiling.

“And All Might? I would've asked Izuku, but I wasn't sure where he was at. Oh and what about the guys?” Her eyes widened.

“Damn, my migraines are back.” Katsuki rubbed his temples. “They're fine.”

“What about you? Who the hell was that crazy avatar bitch you were with?” He turned to Caroline.

Her smile faltered and she let out a sigh. Katsuki knew that Caroline had something going on with that lady as they did oddly look alike. Except that Caroline was better to look at.

“...She's my- was an old relative. I don't want to go into much detail but she said a few words about my past. Things that I wish would have been left unsaid.”

Katsuki remembered the day of the battle training. She had said a few words about flashbacks. This must've been a connection to that. He wanted to know more. It was like a web of different things were entangled with this girl.

“Were you okay?” He asked. “Y'know with those visions or whatever. Didn't you mention them being about your past or whatever?”

Caroline looked up at him. He bit his cheek trying not to feel awkward. It was weird how the two can bounce around subjects and totally feel natural about it. It's not like she ever objected and neither did he. Maybe a comment but nothing that Caroline ever felt bothered with.   

“Flashbacks, actually. They're a bit different from my past moments.” she answered. Should I tell him? Maybe it's too soon.

“How.” He questioned, shifting his body. She stayed quiet. “Fine don't tell-”

“My flashbacks are because of both of my old and new life.” She smiled sadly. “Like I said, I don't want to go into much detail. At least not now. Trust me, I'm quite curious about you too since I don't know that much about you.”

“Fair.” He muttered.

“But I will tell you something.” She smiled as he became all ears.


Caroline gazed lazily at the sunset as her arms and left eye was wrapped up. She had calmed down from her meltdown and was eating apple slices. She heard small footsteps come towards her as she munched on the refreshing fruit.

“You know, when I was younger, much like yourself I had quite the temper with my quirk. I used to want to spread my arms and soar into the sky yet I didn't have much strength. Each day was harder then the next. I grew envy towards the other child who got better like this.” He snapped his fingers.

Caroline turned her small head towards him in curiosity. “Did you ever give up?”

“Heavens no. The opposite exactly. I tried and tried everyday. I never focused on yesterday, I focused on tomorrow.” Oolong glanced at the young child.

“Caroline. You are too focused on your past and something that wasn't your fault.”

“But master.” She had tears in her eyes. “If it weren't for me, I could have done something, they would still be with me.”

“Caroline, your parents loved you. Sometimes things happen when we least expect them too.” He grabbed her hand before placing it on her heart. “They will always be apart of you. Don't you forget that. There will be a day when you have to make some tough decisions, some that you won't like. However, today the most important decision you must make is about not blaming your past on anything. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift-”

(flashback over)

“That's why they call it a present.” she recited opening her eyes. “When I ran out of the training grounds, I was reminded of that day. I guess it just took me by surprise.” She laughed.

“Guess that old geezer is smart.” Katsuki said.

“Mhmm. Very.” She replied.

The two found themselves staring at one another. It was happening again. This was starting to happen often where the two found themselves gazing at each other.

Katsuki broke it first. “Next time you don't have to push me.” Something stirred inside of him as she pushed him from the villain. It was something Deku had done before and he didn't want to go through again. He was Katsuki Bakugou, an independent future hero.

“What?” Caroline became confused.

“When that asshole almost got me.” He looked at her blankly with a pink tint on his cheeks.

She thought for a second. “Ooooh. Yeeaaaah. You are welcome.” Her heart raced from the moment.

He grimaced at her goofy smile. “I didn't say thank you dumbass.”

“You're welcome.” Caroline smirked.

“I DIDN'T SAY THANK YOU.” He screamed.

Caroline laughed. She loved teasing him. It was cute to see his handsome face become flushed. Sure, when you see him it was like looking at an angry Pomeranian but on the inside there was more. She wanted to see it.

“Stop looking at me with a stupid face. It makes me wanna blast you through the window.” He growled.

“You’re really calm. It's making your face more attractive.” She couldn't help the words fall out of her mouth. “Usually you're more harsher. Did you hit your head?”

The ash-blonde tensed before his face bloomed in a rosy color. He looked at Caroline with furrowed brows. She just stared at him with a look of admiration. What the fuck?

He was at a loss of words. Did she just call him attractive? Why was she suddenly being a kiss ass? Was it to tease him?

“Fuck off. I'm just tired.” He didn't notice the girl get up. She was heading towards the door.

“Alright well when you're better let's meet up. I want to know you more Katsuki. You're just as curious as I am.” With that, the girl sauntered away closing the door behind her.

What just happened?


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