again, what?

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An incident had been caught on the news, a different incident that Caroline wasn't a part of; about two boys her age who'd been trying to fight off a sludge villain that had started the fires, but they were unable to defeat it. Fortunately, All-Might came to their rescue. One of them she knew, the guy that insulted her. He'd gotten the bitter taste of karma.

Several days passed after that event and Caroline was just relieved no lives were lost in the flames again.

When she went to school that day, she noticed that several people were staring and whispering things about her. It was something she had grown used to because of her unique looks. Many people had called her names like devil, demon, and ghost. She acted like the rude comments didn't bother her, but on the inside she felt like beating them all to disgusting piles of pitiful slime. She walked into her class and waited for the period to be over.

"Yeah I heard that she saved that kid." She heard someone whisper. “I think it was posted on Instagram.”

"Me too! That was really cool. Her quirk must be fire or something." Another added.

"Isn't that weird though, I heard her parents are quirkless." She felt the person's stare on this one.

“Didn't you guys know. She was that one girl in that huge fire accident. The one with the old pro-hero-”

"For your information, and not that it's your business, I was adopted. Now can you guys please quiet down I'm trying to focus." She gave them a polite smile before turning back around. A part of her felt good for defending herself. Even with the almost reveal of her grandmother. She wasn't going to let anyone badmouth one of the greatest heroes.

And on the terms of a badmouth, which reminded Caroline of cavities it lead to her to think of candy and with that--

Dammit, I never got my candy. Caroline banged her head on the desk now back in a sour mood.


Caroline put on a blank face as she made her way back home. School was torture, having to listen to those boring jerks and being surrounded by a bunch of mouth-breathers. Some of the guys would try hitting on her, but she wasn't interested, and would often have to restrain herself from tearing them a new one. Most of all, she didn't have her candy.

Looking up she smiled as the beautiful pink petals landed on the sidewalk around her. They were much lovelier than the flames she produced.

Her thoughts wandered back to those girls. None of them would get to her, she wouldn't let them. Nobody knew this but Caroline had a rather dark side, it was the side that she would always carry, the side filled with bitterness, guilt, and doubt.

She could have saved her family if she had been stronger. Her grandmother had seen potential in her, and yet, the only thing Caroline saw in herself was uselessness. It was the quirk that made her strong, she needed it and had to grow into it, not the other way around.  

Another thing that bugged her was the whole appearance. She was starting to resemble her grandmother, the only difference being she wasn't as beautiful, though it was the insecurities talking.

Arriving at her home, she whistled a tune, trying to distract herself from the feelings bouncing around inside her mind. She was happy to be home, until she saw her mother's stern look. Caroline spun around and went to walk right back out the door before her mother could say anything.

“Oh I don't think so Missy. What is this?” Her mom held up a newspaper.

Caroline froze and turned around to face her adopted mother. Her eyes observed the papers with squinted eyes. “It's a written version of the news for old people.”

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