Damage Control

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I woke and Kia was gone I thought she might have gone back to the cabin I got up and packed the tent and sleeping bags away and walked back to the cabin... I walked in through the door and I saw Tyrone, Ross and Jax not looking so, happy... They looked upset...

"Miles she's gone... What the fuck did you do to her?". Jax says and hands me a piece of paper... I looked at it and stumbled back and sit down...

I rubbed my face and thought about the night before... She wanted to fool around but I was to lost in thought and she was telling me what I was thinking... I did feel trapped, but she is my wife not a girlfriend...

"She wants to go it alone... She knew I was feeling trapped". I took a deep breath and let it out slowly...

"Miles if you don't want to be a father just tell her and let her go". Ross says and the guys nod...

"You should just let her be... She will make a good mother". Tyrone says...

"I will get in touch with her and tell her the truth". I say I feel so, guilty I should have told her...

"Miles mate... Kia would wait a lifetime for you". Jax says and pats me on the back...

I walked up to my room and got my phone and phoned Kia...

"Miles". She says and I rub my face...

"Kia... I'm so sorry...". I was trying to speak to her, but she cut me up...

"Look Miles I had a scan and I'm sixteen weeks not six... It happened on our honeymoon and they think I could have been having twins because I still had bleeding...". She says and I am thinking of what she said... Our honeymoon I feel worse.

"Kia, we need to meet and talk what we should do". I say...

"Miles... I know you did not want a child and I do not want you to feel trapped... I will get my lawyers to speak to yours and I truly hope you will find that happiness you deserve... I hope we can still be friends". She sounds like she read my thoughts...

"I still want to be friends and Kia I hope you find happiness too". I hang up and I had tears falling down my cheeks... I laid on my bed thinking about what is going on... I compose myself and walk down to the kitchen...

"Did you sort it". Jax asks...

"Kia is sixteen weeks and we are going to be friends". I say and slump in the chair.

"Sixteen weeks". Tyrone shouts...

"Yes... She fell pregnant on our honeymoon". I say and look at my hands...

"She does not look pregnant". Ross says and I look at him...

"No, she did not, and she said the bleeding she had after was probably her losing a twin". I sit back in the chair and look at the guys...

"Miles you need to think this through... If your just friends and she as a little girl what are you going to feel like?". Tyrone asks...

"I know I have always wanted a daughter to protect her". I say and smile...

"You need to do some serious thinking". Jax says...

"You know we will always have your back". Tyrone says...

I look at my friends and I know how lucky I am, and I do need to think about what is going on...

We get breakfast and then I sit in the lounge thinking about Kia... I love her so much... I feel trapped and I am married...... All these years of having girlfriends and having sex this could have happened, but it didn't because I would use a condom and then I get married and use a condom once and after that I stop using and she becomes pregnant... I know she was protected... We are married...

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