The Right Words

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Last night was a revelation with what Kia said. The girls only stayed a little while after that, and the guys and I had a few more drinks. When I got to my room, it disappointed me that Kia was not sleeping in my bed.

So, I spent the night alone. I wanted her close to me so I can hold her tight and tell her she is justified in the way she acted.

I got up and had a shower and dressed I walked into the kitchen and Kia was making pancakes. I carried on and made the coffee. Remember what happened last time when I asked if I should make the coffee. I don't want a repeat. She placed the pancakes on the table and drinks her juice.

Her mobile rings, and Kia, walks over to the counter and grabs her phone.

"Yes," She said, abruptly.

"What do you mean? Mr Jennings wants to meet me again?" She rolls her eyes.

"I told you not to contact me unless it was an emergency," She paces the kitchen and biting her bottom lip. Oh boy, she is teasing me, and she didn't realise.

"Isaac. Set up the boardroom and I'll video call in an hour,"

"Stop panicking. The blueprints are in my office. Photocopy them and email me a copy so I can just have a glance," She is trying to reassure the person on the phone.

"Isaac we'll speak in an hour," She hangs up and puts both hands on the counter and takes a deep breath.

"Kia. Is everything all right?" I ask, and she leans against the counter and closes her eyes.

"I got an emergency meeting in an hour," She says and glimpsed at her phone. She looks stressed out.

"Can't your boss get someone else to do it? You are on your honeymoon," I reply as I walk towards her and put my arm around her tiny waist to kiss the tip of her nose.

"You are funny. I'm the boss," She spits out and I step back.

"KW. Architecture. Fuck," I said in a surprised tone and laugh.

"Yep, that's the one," She adds and smiles.

"So, you did do it. Wow, Kia, that is some impressive work. You really followed your dream," I was so pleased for her that she followed her dream.

"It took me three years, but I made it," She says. I pulled her tight to me and kissed her and our tongues tasting each other. I could taste orange juice as our tongues continue to explore every inch of our mouths.

I had to stop when we heard someone clear their throat. I looked over to where the noise is coming from and Tyrone, Ross and Jax are stood trying not to smile.

"He just tried to kill me with his kiss," Kia says and walks off. I laughed.



I'm annoyed at being called to have a meeting while on my honeymoon. Checked my phone and look at the blueprints. There is something missing, but what. I keep looking and moving the phone around in different angles to study certain areas. Walk over to the table and grab a pen and pad. The guys are watching me intently. Miles stands drinking his coffee.

"That's not right the angle is all wrong. That room is in the wrong place," I talk aloud.

Slip my shoes from my feet and get comfortable on the seat by bringing one knee up to my chest and I got my hot pants on and a strappy top. Glanced at Miles and bite my bottom lip and smirk at me.

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