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I am awake and thinking about getting up I rub my eyes stretch and go for a shower... I brush my teeth and dress and walk into my kitchen and get a coffee and something to eat... I was sure missing Kia's pancakes and the aroma... Every morning I smelt the aroma of her sweet pancakes...

I am sitting at the kitchen island eating my breakfast and reading the newspaper... My doorbell rings... Who the hell would come at this time of morning?... I looked at the time seven-forty-five... I walked over to the door open it and Tyrone, Ross and Jax were standing there...

"This is a bit early guys". I say and walk back to my breakfast... The guys follow and help themselves to coffee and toast...

"Where's the wife". Ross asks... I screw my face up and look at him...

"She's at her house... Where else would she be?". I say and fold my arms...

"So, you know that she's at the house?". Jax says and drinks his coffee...

"That's where I dropped her soon as we got back, and I haven't seen her since". I say and look at them with a puzzled look...

"So, you haven't seen anyone or had a phone call". Tyrone says with a tone...

"Look mate I dropped her at her house just after lunch and that's the last I saw of her...". I say feeling a little agitated with the way my friends are carrying on...

"Have you checked your phone for any messages or phone calls?". Ross asks... I stood up and walked back to my bedroom and picked my phone up and walked back to the kitchen...

I leant up against the counter and looked at my phone twenty missed calls from Kia and five texts...

I start to look at the texts...

"Miles I need help there's someone in the house". I rubbed my face and read the next one...

"I phoned the police". I look at the guys and they are looking pissed at me...

"Miles I love... Please come soon".

"Miles answer the fucking phone". I sit down.

"I'm scared I'm hiding under the bed I've text the guys". And that was the last text message...

"Where the hell is Kia now". I scream...

"In a hospital in a bad way". Tyrone says and rubs his face...

"We've been with her all night and you didn't answer your phone... I tried ringing you Ross tried ringing and so did Jax". I walk over and pick my keys up and walk towards the door...

"Miles I had a phone call from Stef saying she was meeting you today". Tyrone says and stops me going out the door...

"I need to get to Kia". I yell...

"Do you know the two guys that broke into Kia's house was hired to beat her up and rape her by Cynthia". Tyrone spits with anger......

"What do you mean rape?". My jaw clenches and my hands are now clenched and formed fists and I can feel the rage building...

"Exactly that... When we got there your wife was fighting for her life to get the two men off her they fucking bit her and treated her like a fucking punchbag... Kia was half-naked and I pulled one guy off her and Ross pulled the other guy off her and Jax covered your wife up...". Tyrone was enraged and he looked like he wanted to take my head off... I could not believe what he was telling me.

"When this all happened, you were on the phone to Stef and your wife was trying to phone you". Ross says with anger...

"I need to go and see Kia". I was horrified with what they told me, and I felt the rage building inside me... I should never have phoned her... I open my door and the guys follow me and we drive to the hospital...

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