Along Hike

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Rise from the bed to have a shower and while I'm in the bathroom Miles knocks on the door.

"Kia," He says in his sweet voice.

"I'm almost done," I say back to him.

"I need to speak to you," He says. His voice sounds so remorseful.

"Miles, you can come in I've got a towel wrapped around me," I said, and brush my teeth as Miles opens the door and steps into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry for what happened last night. I never wanted you to see me like that," He says and steps behind me, looking at me in the mirror.

Rinsed my mouth and stared at him in the mirror.

"Miles, we are still learning about each other," I smile, and he smiles back at me, leans to kiss my cheek.

"I need to have a shower," He said and drops his shorts right in front of me. I could not help it I just stared at him and he smiled.

"Better than you running away from me," He said and steps into the shower.

"Mm," I say and bite my bottom lip as I tilt my head to the side and watched his cock grow hard, and I smiled at him.

"Kia, you just did that. Every time you bite your bottom lip," He says and lets out a little laugh.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said with sarcasm.

"Are you really?" He asks and smiles.

"Nah," I said and walk to my room. He looked hot and his abs. He is fit shook my head. If only I wasn't on my goddamn period. Why did I have to start early ugh?

I dressed and walked down to the kitchen and start breakfast. I made omelettes instead of pancakes I thought it would make a change. Tyrone walked into the kitchen and made the coffee.

"Mm, mm. Omelette smells nice," He says and leans over the cooker to get a better sniff.

"Something smells nice," Miles says.

"Omelettes," I say and smile.

I made omelettes for everyone, and we all sit to eat breakfast. I looked at Miles and bit my bottom lip and he smirks at me.

"Are we still going for this hike?" Jax asks as he is filling his mouth with food.

"Yeah," Ross says.

"I don't see why not," Tyrone adds.

"We should prepare food to take." Miles says and finishes his last forkful of food.

"Kia, do you want to come?" Miles asks and kisses the top of my head as he puts his plate in the dishwasher.

"Why not it'll be nice to explore a bit more," I say and put my plate in the dishwasher.

"We could go to that little lake," Tyrone says, and Miles looks at him.

"You mean the one with the ledge where we jumped off naked," Miles says and folds his arms.

"Yep. That's the place," He says, and the guys laugh. I look at them and Miles smirks.



We packed up backpacks and started our hike through the woods. Kia kept at the back of us and was still noticeably quiet.

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