The Honeymoon

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I am on my way to pick Kia up. We have been married a few days again, but she's been busy with work and needed to catch up on a few things so she could enjoy our honeymoon. We are going up to the cabin for two weeks. Just Kia and me. We have never spent time together like this so it will be strange.

I pull up to Kia's house and it still looks the same. My father bought it when I put it up for sale and then held on to it for Kia. When Kia made enough money, she bought the house from my father and moved in. This house is a fair size, and it's detached with a double garage offset from the house and a small drive. This house boasts of four bedrooms, four-bathroom a large lounge with patio doors that open on to an outside sitting area. The garden is a nice size. Then there is a study, an office and then a dining room and then a large kitchen with built-in utility room.

I get out of the car, and Kia is just shutting the door. I take her bag and I noticed she had a book in her hand.

"Going to do a bit of reading," I say and smile. I put her bag in the boot and we get in the car.

"Yep, it's a long trip and I see you got the land rover again," She said and puts her seat belt on.

"It's bigger and four-wheeled drive," I say.

"Oh, I see, to go off-roading to hide my body," She's already started, and we have not even left.

"Kia read your book," I say, and I start our drive.

"I hope I got my own room and bathroom this time," She said and looks out the window.

I want to ask her if she is a virgin, but I am too embarrassed, and I would embarrass her. I will wait a while and then ask.

"You can have your own room and bathroom," I say, and Kia starts to read her book. We had been on the road for three hours.

"Kia, did you want to stop and stretch?" I ask her and she looks at me.

"Do you want to stop so you can leave me at the services? Have you had enough of me already?" She said and puts her book down. I shake my head.

"No. Why would you think that?" I ask and keep my eyes on the road.

"Well, I got an extensive list," She said and laughs.



I am still annoying him, and I love it. I am scared about spending time on our own at the cabin. I want to tell him, but I don't know how. We stop at the services.

We get out and Miles locks the car up. We walk towards the shops to get something to eat.

"I'll meet you back at the car," I say and walk away.

I trust Miles but I am scared of having sex. I get something to eat and walk back to the car. I am stood waiting for Miles and I am so lost in thought that I didn't hear him come back.

"Kia you can get in now," He said, and I look at him and smile.

We start our journey again, but it is silent. I look out the window and then look at Miles.

"Miles I need to apologise to you," I say, and he screws his face up.

"I don't follow," He said.

"For not telling you where I was," I say and look at my hands.

"Kia that doesn't matter. All that matters is you are here with me now," He said.

"I need you to know," I say. He glances at me and then back at the road.

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