Chapter Eleven: Dependability

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“Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.”

-          Lucius Annaeus Seneca

It was Brian who stepped into the room, silent as he watched the unconscious man.

“How long will it be, Matt?” he asked. “Arin’s been getting distant this past week. We’re trying to hold onto him, because we know you’d want us to, but it’s hard. And I tried to give Amy a call, but she won’t speak to anyone except her parents and Val and Michelle.”

He looked around the bare hospital room, before continuing, “The doctors say you’re pretty much brain dead physically. They don’t think you’ll ever wake up again. But they don’t know you like I do, Matt. They don’t know you at all. You’ve gotta pull through. And the sooner the better. I don’t want them pulling the plug on you when you’re just waking up.”

He got choked up at the thought. “We can’t lose you, Matt. Please wake up. Or at least turn over or something. Show those doctors they’ve got nothing to prove, and we’ve got nothing to worry about.”

“Now, we’re all depending on you.”

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