20 • The Trying Heir

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T h e  T r y i n g  H e i r
2 n d  P O V
9 / 1 8 / 1 9
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Sari upgraded herself with her key.

The team stared in shock as the upgraded girl sped past them and whipped out an energy hammer. She slammed it onto the giant rock creature, breaking it into pieces, causing Bumblebee to fall to the ground. She landed beside him. The two exchanged chatter for a few seconds, before the rocks turned into their own rock monsters. Surprisingly, Sari was able to make quick work of them.

"You gotta admit, she's good," Bee said, walking up to the team. While disappointed Sari disobeyed your orders to stay behind, you were glad the situation had been taken care of.

"It's good to see you're okay, Bee," you told the short mech.

Sari stood with her hands on her hips, beaming with pride. The blue circle on her chest opened up, crackling with blue energy.

"The key," Ratchet whispered to himself. Figures Sari would use it to upgrade herself. One of you should've stayed behind to keep an optic on her.

Sari unleashed her glowing energy blades. It was like her body had a mind separate from hers, pulling her body around.

"What's happening?!" She began panicking. One of her hands went into the air and shot a beast at a building. It was like her body was malfunctioning!

"That cant be good," Bulkhead commented.

"Sari, what's going on?!" You shouted. If you grew any more concerned, you'd burst.

   "Sari, stop!" Optimus yelled.

   "I'm trying!" She cried out. The matured redhead continued to be jerked around like a puppet on strings.

   "Ratchet, what's her malfunction?!"

   "The key's power must be giving her an overload! She can't control the upgrades!" The medic answered.

   "Help meee!" Sari pleaded. An invisible hand pulled her backwards and she turned around, only to slice a car in half. Ratchet used his weapons to create a field around her. She sent an energy wave his way, cutting past the field and knocking him to the ground.

   "Careful! Don't hurt her!" You warned everyone.

   Optimus shot a tie at her that wrapped around her legs. She swiveled around quickly and kicked it off her legs, sending the thing flying towards Bumblebee. He ducked, and it blew a chunk off a building.

   "Her?! What about us?!" The yellow racer yelled.

   "I'm sorry! I can't help it!" Sari apologized. She leaned against a mail bot, only to flinch away when it exploded.

   "She's turbo charging everything she touches!" Ratchet shouted from where he lay.

   "I may be able to control Sari's circuits by utilizing my cyberninja processor over matter technique," Prowl said. He hummed to himself, subduing the cyber organic girl for a few seconds. She began glowing blue, and unleashed a powerful energy field that blew Prowl back. He landed in front of your group on his back, groaning.

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