9 • The Adventurous Heir

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T h e  A d v e n t u r o u s  H e i r
2 n d  P O V
5 / 1 8 / 1 9
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You'd been watching nature docs with Prowl on Sari's Netflix account. Just the two of you, sitting with your stabilizers criss-cross. Prowl seemed to find your choice of sitting with him for them questionable at first, but both of you grew used to it within days. You weren't allowed to go outside yet, so this was as close as you'd get.

   Optimus would check in on you whenever you were in the same room. Your cheeks flushed every time he asked. It was so doting, and he was such a sweetspark about everything.

   Bulkhead and Bumblebee were still trying to get used to you. You couldn't really blame them. You'd give them their space. You wanted to forge friendships with those around you, but, unfortunately, that wasn't something you'd learned under Megatron. The two of them did seem friendlier after Sari gave her stamp of approval.

   Ratchet seemed as indifferent and as grumpy as always. You supposed it was better than him despising you.

   "Hey Y/N!" You turned your helm to see the peppy little human. Her bright yellow best friend walked behind her, offering you a wave. Good enough.

   "Evening Sari. Evening Bumblebee," You greeted them with a warm smile. The girl returned it despite your intimidating size and looming shadow.

   "Me and Bumblebee are going out this afternoon. Wanna come!?"

   "Sorry, but I'm not cleared for venturing outside base yet, you guys," You sincerely apologized. "I'd say yes if I could."

   "Why not come with us anyways? What's the big deal?!" Bee questioned. You could tell he wanted to get moving and not have a big fuss about it.

   "The deal is that it would be against the rules and they're still a wanted criminal," Prowl piped, optics still focused on the screen.

"Oh." The two troublemakers stood defeated.

"Then we'll just get Optimus to come with us! You can come too! We can show them the best parts of Detroit!" Sari exclaimed, jumping up and down with enthusiasm.

You couldn't help but let a smile creep onto your face. It warmed your spark that she was so excited to show you Detroit, even if that enthusiasm cane from the fact that she thought it was awesome that the Decepticon heir was living under her roof. Oh well. You would take what you could get.

"I suppose," Prowl answered, unsure of her idea.

"I think that's a great idea Sari," Optimus announced, walking into the room with Bulkhead by his side. "I think it's about time Y/N got to see our home."

By now, you were grinning. You were finally going outside! You wouldn't be cramped inside the Medbay or trying to bide your time by wandering the halls and rereading your already reread literature.

"Oh, thank you so much, Optimus!" Your faceplates warmed as he drew closer. "And ah, the rest of you."

"Cool! Awesome! C'mon, let's move it already!" Bumblebee urges everyone along as he transformed. With the popping open of his door, Sari jumped in, and a screeeee! rang out as he zoomed out of sight.

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