17 • The Heir Gets What They Wanted

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T h e  H e i r  G e t s  W h a t  T h e y  W a n t e d
2 n d  P O V
8 / 1 4 / 1 9
• • •

It was all over now.

You set Sari on the ground. You looked over at Ratchet, who stared at the place where his larger-than-life friend had stood moments before. You gently placed a servo on his shoulder. He met your optics, taking in your sympathy.

Sari and her dad had a reunion behind you. It made you smile. You wish your sire had been as loving as Mr. Sumdac.

The pit shook. Larges pieces of the it's stone walls broke off and fell heavily on the ground. The tunnels were slowly collapsing with them.

"Hate to brake up the family reunion, but we gotta bolt!" Bumblebee shouted, driving up to the group. The Sumdacs climbed in his alt.

"Everyone out, now!" Optimus ordered. You and Ratchet transformed and sped away, and Prime followed. You thanked the stars that your wings hadn't been damaged.

Finally, the Autobot team managed to meet up together. You flew over them, where you transformed and landed on a cliff that overlooked the forest and the collapsing mountain you'd all just been in.

"Everyone still online?" Optimus asked. Everyone was now in bipedal mode.

"All but one," Ratchet sighed. He watched the smoke rise up from the mountain.

You walked over and placed your servo on his shoulder again. "I'm sure he's still out there, Ratch."

Mr. Sumdac heaved his own sigh. "Oh, I can't believe this ordeal is finally over." Sari ribbed her head against him happily.

"See guys?" She said, taking her hand off her elbow. "I knew my dad didn't betray us! He's as trustworthy as they come!" She noticed the black and blue circuitry sticking out of her damaged elbow and gasped. You and the rest of the team did the same.

Sari turned back to her dad and backed away.

"Sari, we need to talk."

Long story short, they tried to work things out in the cars seats of Optimus as the lot of you headed the long way home. The Prime said you could beat them there if you wanted, because you could fly faster than they could drive, but you refused. You'd been away from them all for too long.

   Optimus headed to Sumdac tower. You came with him. He, of course, assured you that you didn't have to do that.

• • •

   "Autobots, Decepticons, they're all the same," Powell complained as you and Optimus came up on the rising platform behind them.

   "So, you better warn your lame-o freak alien buddies that if they don't cough up the stolen merchandise, heads will roll. And you know who's heads I'm talking about," the Headmaster boy threatened.

   "No Mr. Masterson, tell me, who's heads will roll?" Optimus asked threateningly, picking up the man by the back of his coat. You glared at him too.

   That got the two men out of the room.

   "Mr. Powell, Mr. Masterson, your services are no longer required at Sumdac Systems," Sumdac announced. Optimus peeked around the doorway of the room as the human men backed off into the elevator. You had a better view because you were much taller, and could crane your neck farther.

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