3 • The Damned Heir

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T h e D a m n e d H e i r
2 n d P O V
1 2 / 2 7 / 1 8
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A/N: Sorry it's shorter than what I usually post. Enjoy!
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You groaned in pain. Your optic ridges ground together, your denta bit down on your lip, your frame froze like a deer in headlights. The pain, the haze that surrounded and stabbed into your body, it was too much. It was indescribable.

You lay on your front with your faceplates buried in the ground. You figured it was better to get things over with than to take it slow, so you gathered up all your courage and strength and flipped yourself onto your back. If you could breath, that would've taken all of it out of you. You wheezed with shaking servos paralyzed at your side. You wanted to hold yourself, but the fear of causing more pain and the pain that was already there kept you from moving.

You stared up at the pitch black sky. White dots for stars were sprinkled around. You wished you were back up in space. You wished you were alone on your own personal ship, aimlessly wandering the galaxy with no one aiming their blasters at you. You wished your sire had no idea where you would be up there, and you would have no ties to the Decepticon cause.

How unrealistic.

You didn't bother to look at yourself. You already knew you looked like death. Your frame was more bruised and battered and burnt than when Sentinel found you. Heck, you were practically in the same position as that night . . .

"Sire please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! It was an accident!" You cried out. You held out a servo to stop him. Your other arm was busy holding the side of your helm he's burnt with his cannon. He'd broken one of your angel-like wings, and it swung from only a few wires. You weren't on the ground just yet. You were, however, close to it, your legs bent so you were nearly crouching.

"Actions like these will not be tolerated, my child," Megatron told you. His voice was stern, yet sincere. "This is the only way you will learn." His servo rose and he punched the arm you held yourself with.

"It was so small a mistake! They didn't even notice!" You attempted to defend yourself. One of his pedes slammed into your chassis, sending your aft to the ground. Tears pricked at your optics.

"Small?! They may have not noticed you then, but they will once I'm done!" The warlord roared. He had taken you out to a clearing far away from the Decepticon base for this. You tried to get off the ground, but he scraped his claws along your abdomen, cutting deep. He continued to breathe you as he smashed and hit you, "What did I say about emotion?! You must stay strong in the face of humiliation!"

"I'm sorry!" You yelled fearfully, "I didn't mean to cry!"

"Then why are you doing it?!" Megatron snatches your throat in one servo, squeezing tightly, making sure to bruise as much as possible.

"It was an accident! Both were! I won't fail you next time! I won't cry either!" You screamed desperately. You clawed at his servo, doing little to sway him or cause any harm.

"If they find you, swear to me on your life that you won't spill a single detail," the warmonger growled, closing in on your faceplates. He was so much more intimidating up close. You nodded furiously in response.

Love and War • TFA! Optimus X Megatron's Heir! ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt