8 • The Free-er Heir

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T h e  F r e e - e r  H e i r
2 n d  P O V
4 / 2 3 / 1 9
• • •

   Ratchet entered the Medbay just as you finished the "About The Author" section in a human story.

You didn't have those on the biased media you'd been fed. You wondered if regular Cybertronian stories had these too.

   "We're letting you out today-" the medic informed you. He watched your face light up as you sat straight on the berth and set your datapad to the side. "-under supervision, of course." You nodded in response. That was fair. He continued, "Prowl and Optimus have offered to watch over you. Prime and Sari are going to show you around base before showing you to your berthroom. Alright?"

   "Yes, sir," you answered.

Ratchet noticed your tenseness around him. He knew his demeanor wasn't the softest, but it pained the mech to see you so scared of making the wrong move. Even throughout the checkups he gave you, even when he unwrapped the bandages from your wings, you were stiff as a board. When he'd asked you why, you'd replied, "Medics can get away with things most people can't."

Ratchet had brushed it off at the time, disturbed by your solemn tone and the fear that leaked through your words. He hadn't wanted to think about it then. But after . . . what had the Decepticons done to you? Was this your entire sparklinghood? What kind of monster would do that to someone? And a child of all things? He had to stop his thought process from angering him further.

"Ratchet is fine, kid," the old mech told you softly. He'd reminded you before, but didn't get annoyed. "How are you feeling?" He did his best to make his demeanor seem more gentle, as he'd been trying for the week you'd spent here, but always forgot to keep up. Habits were both hard to get into and get out of.

"I'm fine. I'm good." You nodded again.

"You wanna gather your stuff? Optimus and Sari'll be here soon," Ratchet informed you.

"Oh! Yes, right." You jumped out of berth energetically. You toll the datapad from the berth and placed it on the stack of other datapads and tidied them up. Opening up your chassis, you carefully lifted and placed the stack into your subspace. You heard the heavy steps of Optimus and the sound of the doors behind you.

"Morning Y/N," the young Prime greeted you. You could hear the smile in his voice. You finally saw it as you spun around.

"Hey Y/N! Ready for the grand tour?!" The little girl hyperactively asked. You practically vibrated as she stood on Optimus' shoulder. You looked at him questioningly, only to be met with a half shrug so he didn't jostle her. She was probably hyped up on earth candies.

"I sure am. I know my faithful tour guides will give me a good rundown of the whole thing!" You replied confidently. Sari gave a beaming smile as she set her hands on her hips.

"Shall we?" Optimus asked, giving a quirky half smile. You couldn't help but find it adorable.

You weren't sure if the faint, fluttering feeling in your spark was because you weren't used to bits being nice to you, or because he was the first attractive (in a dorky way) mech you'd seen in a while. Was it both? You shook your helm as if it would rid you of the thoughts.

"Later Ratchet!" The Prime called after the seasoned medic. He got a huff in response.

"Alright, Op, lemme down!" Sari commanded. She got what she wanted and skipped on forward. "C'mon! We gotta show you the living room first!"

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