Chapter 2 "Healer Of Fighter"

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Featherkit. What are you doing?

Just helping sort the herbs into piles for you. Is that alright?

Yes that’s fine. Thank you.

Your welcome.

Your be an apprentice here soon, won’t you Featherkit?

Yes. Next moon.

Well, best of luck to you little one and may Starclan guide your way.

Thank you both. I’m going to go now. If you need anything, just let me know.

Will do. Now run along and behave.

Yes Mothwing and I’ll behave. You don’t have to worry about that.

I know we don’t have to worry about you Featherkit, but we do have to worry about Streampaw and Pebblekit. Now don’t we?

That you do and I’ll keep Streamkit and Pebblekit out of trouble, as much as I can.

You do that. While we get to work on putting these nice neat piles of herbs away.

(Just as I get outside, who comes running up to me from the dawn patrols Non other then Mr. Trouble himself. Streampaw.)

Good morning Featherkit.

Morning Streampaw. How was the patrol today?

Alright. Same as always I guess.

Don’t worry. You’ll get your changes to prove yourself Streampaw, but for now, you can at least restock the fresh kill pile, will some fish.

That I can do. Uh..

What is it Streampaw? 

Well what?

Would you like to come with me, to the river?

I have to check on Pebblekit, but after that I would love to go with you.

Oh! Ok. I’ll wait for you by the entrance to the camp.

Alright. See you there in a moment.


(*Sigh* And there he goes to wait for me. I’ll have to be quick on checking on Pebblekit. After all Streampaw doesn’t like to be kept waiting for long. Even if I can get out of it with him in no time. *giggles*)

Hello Pebblekit.

Hello Featherkit. 

How are you feeling today?

Much better thanks to you.

Glad to hear it. I’ll just look over you quickly and then head out.

Are you in a hurry to get back to the medicine cat’s den?

No. Just don’t want to keep Streampaw waiting. You and I both know how he gets when he’s kept waiting to long.

That is true. So, how do I look?

You look better then ever, but just to be sure. You should go and have Mothwing or Willowshine look over you again. That way we know for sure that your back to great health.

Alright. I’ll go right away.

You do that. While I go catch up to Streampaw and see what he wants me to do.

See you later Featherkit.

Later Pebblekit. (Nearing the camp intrench I see Streampaw sitting waiting for me. I stretch and then pad up to him purring with excitement. He rubs his head against my shoulder and purrs back to me.)

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