Chapter 1

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“Its dark out, yet I can hear them. The cries of kits. As I get closer to them, I see a twoleg holding a bag, tieing it off, and throwing it into the river. I gasp and jump in after the bag. It sinks, but I'm able to swim down and drag the bag back to shore, where my clanmate come rushing out to me.”

Icewing are you alright?!

I'm fine Mistystar. Help me get this bag open. There are kits trapped inside.

“We mange to get the bag open and inside are five tiny kits. We start licking them, but none of them respond, at least none, but one. She's the runt of the litter, with a split tail tip. Yet I can't help, but care for her.”

Take the kit to one of the nursing queens. We'll bury the rest.

Mistystar. May I take care of the kit. I still have some milk left and I don't mind.

You have lost your two kits, so I will let you take this one.

Thank you Mistystar and I shall grief for the lost of these four kits as well as my own. Yet find joy in this young kit. Featherkit.


Come on Featherkit, let's go!

We can't Streamkit. We're not allowed outside the camp. You know that.

So, lets go.


“I got to get mother some how. I know, that pebble will do.”

(Flings pebble at the nursy with my tail. Icewing comes out.)

Featherkit. What are you doing?

(Icewing's eyes are wide as Featherkit takes off after Streamkit. Calling him back. Icewing comes running after both kits, call for them.)

Wow. Featherkit. Come look at this.

Streamkit you're to close to the bank and the rivers moving to fast. Come back here.

I'll be fine. (The ground gives way under his paws and he falls in, but Icewing gets there just as he's falling into the rive and jumps in after him. She pulls him out, sits him down and licks him. He opens his eyes to see Mistystar and the dawn portal standing looking at him.)

Let's get these kits back to camp.

Yes. Mistystar.


 Streamkit!! What in starclan happened to you?!

Calm yourself Mosspelt. Streamkit is fine. He just went for an early swimming lesson.

*sigh* What am I going to do with you Streamkit?

I don’t know. I’m sorry.

Not as sorry as your going to be, after Mistystar gets through with you.

(Streamkit and Featherkit both look at Mistystar, who is trying to think of away to punish the two young kits, but before she can think of something, Featherkit speaks up.)

Mistystar. I know Streamkit and I took off when we know where not allowed outside the camp and I know I can’t speak for Streamkit, but I’m willing to take any punishment that you see fit to give.

(Everyone is wide eyed at what Featherkit has said. Streamkit comes to sit beside her and speak for himself.)

As am I Mistystar.

(Mistystar nods and looks around for a moment. Then back at the two kits.)


Yes Mistystar?

You will take care of the elders until I say other wise.

Yes Mistystar. I’ll go start on.

You do that. Now then. (Mistystar turns to Featherkit and tries to think of something for her to do as punishment.)

I could help Mothwing in the medicine cat’s den.

(Mistystar just looks at Featherkit for a sec and then nods) 

Alright. You go help out in the medicine cat’s den.

Yes Mistystar.

(Featherkit takes of running for the medicine cat’s den. Once there she calls in and then disappears into the den.)

How are things going with Featherkit?

Quite well. She’s been a big help to us. 

That’s great to hear.

Indeed it is Mistystar.

How is Streamkit doing with the elders?

He’s doing fine. Now if he can just behave himself. 

Indeed. How long will you have these two doing apprentice work?

At least for a few more days. If they keep up the good work, then I will let them go back to being kits.

Sounds like a good idea.

Mhm. (Mistystar nods and walks off to see how everything else is going with the rest of her clan. When she spies Featherkit staring at something. Mistystar walks over to Featherkit and sits down beside her. Featherkit looks at Mistystar and then back at the sky.)

Is everything alright, Featherkit?

Yes. Everything is fine, Mistystar.

Can I ask why your sitting here staring at nothing?

I’m not staring Mistystar. I’m listening to Graypool. She’s telling be about Crookedstar and what it was like in the old forest.

(Mistystar got wide eyed at what Featherkit has said. She shakes her head and bites back her tongue, before speaking.)

What does she look like?

(Featherkit looks up at Mistystar and smiles.) She had pretty gray fur and it sparkles with starlight.

(Mistystar smiles and nods. She gets up to leave, but poses for a sec, and looks back at Featherkit.) Teller I say hi.

She heard you and says she is watching over you, just as your father Oakheart is.

(Mistystar just nodded and walked on.)

Warrior Cats: Feathertail's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now