Kankuro one shot ~ Looking back

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Kankuros hands twitched.

"She'll be fine." Said Sai.

"Uhuh." Kankuro continued to glare out into the forest.

"Seriously you don't need to worry about Kiki she's had much worse." Assured Sai.

"I'm sure she has." Kankuros attitude did not change. Sai sighed before giving up. The sand johnin returned his attention to look out or more truthfully brooding.

The events of the night flashed before his eyes.

"We're under attack!" Yelled Sajin his cries awoke the camp. Within minutes it was a battle. He barely had time to give out any commands however he did shake Kiki awake.

"Kiki get up they're here."

"What?" She was awake within moments her bright gold eyes wide. She quickly scrambled to her feet grabbing her special kunai knives as she did.

"You handle Deidara I'll get Sasori we can't let them get away again." Kankuro commanded "destroy him at any costs you understand me?"

"Yeah of course. Leave it to me." She responded strapping on her sword to her back. She was just in time too for they had arrived.

Kankuro gritted his teeth at the sound of kikis agonized scream from the tent. A bit of blood dribbled down his hands as he clenched his fists tight, his nails biting into his palms. Kiki continued to scream behind him and the sound brought him back to just a few hours ago about mid day during the battle.

"This is it for you Sasori!" Snarled Kankuro.

"Is it really?" Responded the puppet man. Kankuro followed his line of sight to see one of the puppets kunai flying towards-

"Kiki!" She thrust Deidara away from her and turned to face him. Except the kunai missed her completely. She looked confused for a moment even as he sighed in relief before her eyes widened and fear filled her expression.

"KANKURO!" She screamed and darted forward. She crashed into him and the Sasori puppet knocking him off his tree branch. Screams of agony ripped from her throat as Kankuro felt blood splatter on his cheek. At the same time she hit his Sasori puppet and it's blades cut into her skin the real um reanimated Sasoris attack which had been aimed for Kankuro hit her shoulder and arm. Kankuro crashed into the ground and Kiki landed beside him. His puppets blades were lodged in her left shoulder, side, arm, hip, and leg and had also cut her cheek. While Sasoris attack had slashed up and crushed her right collarbone, shoulder and arm.

"Kiki!" He staggered to his feet and quickly commanded the puppet to pull its blades from her. Kiki thrashed and screamed at the pain her body shook and convulsed as she laid on her back breathing labored. "Tika no dammit no!"

He was furious as he kneeled beside her. "Kiki-" but his touch caused her to scream in agony. "Dammit."

"K-Kankuro." She managed through gritted teeth.

"Don't talk it's going to be-"

"Are you an idiot get up!" She hissed squinting through her pain at him. "Your in the middle of a battle! Don't get distracted!"

This shocked him and angered him. "What are you saying-"

"Stop getting distracted go! These battles mean more than anything! What the hell do you think your doing! You idiot!" She was fuming beyond pissed off as she glared at him still unable to move a muscle.

"Tch." He gritted his teeth. He knew that but still!

"You should listen to your girlfriend your making it all to easy for me to kill you off." Laughed Sasori Kankuro barely managed to grab Kiki and leap out of the way of another attack.

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