Shikamaru One Shot ~ Death Portrayed

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Sky blue eyes

18 so is Shikamaru

The world seemed to drift past aimlessly. Clouds floated miles above me unable to move me or free me from my torment. The aching pain that encased my body and soul could not be so easily lifted as they were by the wind. No for indeed none but maybe one could lift this pain from me and he was miles away.

All had done and tried their best to relieve me of it and none had succeeded not even the famed Lady Tsunada.

To think My life had not always been like this, once I had been happy free of this pain. Cold had seeped into my body as I laid here staring up unmoving at the sky. A small breeze blew across my lips that had once been pulled up in a smile but now stayed in a sad unchanging line.

I was cold but unable to move unable to stir from my position all strength and ability to shift my body long gone. Numbness was how I would describe the feeling in my veins a numbness filled with pain.

My ailment had started long time ago when he had left. How would he react if he returned to find me a corpse upon the grass. I had tried everything to throw off this illness that plagued my body and heart but all failed and I ended up here once again. My eyes stared unseeingly at the sky unable to see the clouds I had so long loved.

The feel of the grass against my limbs and cheek no longer felt, they bore no distraction from my affliction. What felt like so long ago I would have once run my fingers through the grass and played with its gentle blades so green in this springtime place.

He would have been there beside me doing the same hardly moving but to smile or groan as I pestered him. Yes that is what I would have spent my time doing. I would have jumped around and rolled enjoying life with him much to his displeasure and complaints. How would he think me now as I lay here in a pose so like death as to fool even the ghosts. Had it not always been I who chastised him for laziness and not seizing the day? Yet here I lie unmoving unfeeling under the ocean of blue and white. My limbs unresponsive my thoughts wistful my eyes unseeing. How would he be when he saw me? Disappointed and saddened or would be merely return to that activity of which I had so long rebuked him for, watching the clouds go by as wistfully as I wished him at my side.

Nay the days had long rolled past since that dark sorrow had entered my heart and the illness had besieged my body. The time we would spend together upon the grass of Konoha had ended. No more would we lay side by side me laughing and cuddling him accepting it as he watched ever ceaselessly the clouds. His voice would grace these cold ears no longer, his presence sorely missed.

For the first time my dull dim eyes looked into the sky the same color as the ring inside them and peered at the clouds he so loved. Envious of clouds had I never been, that he had always fancied. Now though I looked and wished truly that I could become one of those things he had loved so preciously. Had he not wished to be a cloud? In mine sleepy repose I wished that I too could join him up there were the world had no limits and life was lived as wanted. Oh how envious I was of the clouds things he had enjoyed, things he no longer could see. Why could be leave and become one with them while I was stuck upon this place unable to move to join him forced to watch on bitter and envious.

I could have sworn in the moments I gazed at the clouds to have heard my name being called over the breeze. This was preposterous however seeing as I could not have heard any voices nor move to answer them should I have wanted. He was gone and without him I had been lost. Lost to the illness and numbing pain.

A face appeared before me coming between me and the blue and white dotted shell of the world. A murmur the feel of a touch upon my cheek but I didn't respond I was gone gone from a world where my only want was denied me.

The touch and sound came again but stronger and I looked blindly at the face before me. Something wet splashed upon my cold cheek as a voice so cherished pierced my deafened ears.

"Mira Mira please Im sorry I left you please come back to me Mira come back to me." the sound was so sweet it rang in the darkness of my being. I wondered what could have made that beautiful sound again and why was it so sad? "What a drag life would be without you Mira." Was that not my love? Was it not he who called my name? Was it not his tears falling upon my cheeks as he held me in his arms?

Had he not been dead? "Come on Mira you promised you'd never leave! Come on you gotta wake up! Come back Mira come on!"

Thus the numbing pain was removed and the dark that held me no more.

"Shikamaru." I looked into his gorgeous eyes those that I had not seen in how many weeks and tears splashed down my own cheeks. "Shika-"

His name called from my lips which had been silent so long was cut short as his lips did something I had longed for. I closed my eyes clinging to him my lifeline, for it was he who had awakened me and freed me from my heartbreak and death from boredom and longing.

With just his few words he had done something even the great Tsunade could not. Shikamaru had healed me completely and utterly. Once again I was whole and healthy. Moving my lips in fervent passion with his under the clouds I had thought he had joined as per his wish.

"I missed you don't leave me ever again." My voice how long had it been since its last use?

The words so precious to me did not fall upon deaf ears. Shikamaru smiled and pressed a quick kiss to my lips.

"I won't not even for the clouds. I love you Mira don't leave me again. What a pain you are." I smiled as glorious fulfillment spun through my heart.

"I'm sorry and I love you as well more than anything."

"Then stop being such a pain." a blush bedecked my cheek and he sighed his usual sound but smiled lightly at me. "Mira marry me." there was no question it wasn't even a statement more like a proposal of an idea one that I could never turn down or reject.

"Of course." My response was simple for once and it seemed to please him though his disposition turned to one of shock and embarrassment as I tackled him seconds later and planted my lips over his. Shikamaru wouldn't struggle as that would take to much energy so instead he merely rolled us over onto our sides and pulled me tight taking control of the kiss. If life was meant to be perfect if only once for each person that time would have been then as his arms wound around my waist pulling me close and time drifted away like the clouds above us.

No longer would I be envious of the clouds that he so cared for, for I knew that as much as he wished to be one of them he wished even more fervently to never leave my side. Someday when it was our time we would rise together and join the clouds but that day was not today nor the next year as we held our wedding for all too see in Konoha despite the preparations being "a drag."

So long clouds so long field upon which I laid unmoving and sightless for so long. I will never join you again for so long as he is there even in spirit I will never fall into the deathlike state I have once portrayed.

I know it's short!!! X(

But I worked hard on it!!! I've been reading a little too much Shakespeare in school though... Oh well please tell me what you think I really want to know. Please please please please please comment and tell me what guy you want to see next!!! And please vote!!!

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