Preference #2 Food Kiss Part 2

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"Why not?" I demanded puffing my cheeks up hands on hips. I'd been bugging him about it all week, ever since I caught some of the new chunin playing the game.
"It's-it's embarrassing!" he protested in a higher than normal voice, though I think he was just flustered as the blush peeking out from under his mask told. "Besides," he seemed to have regained his usual calm level of behavior. "aren't you a little old for the Pocky game anyways?"
"Aren't you a little old to be complaining about a hot girl wanting to make out with you?" I fired back, he actually dropped his book in surprise.
"D-don't talk like that if Naruto hears you-"
I rolled my eyes.
"Naruto is on a date across town, Sakura is sleeping because she just got back from night shift in surgery, Sasuke is on a mission, and Sai is following Naruto trying to figure out what a date entitles. We are in the training grounds a mile away from any other ninja at the very least so now what's your excuse now Kakashi?" I demanded crossing my arms under my chest. He'd been pulling stunts like this all week too, actually longer than that, since I first asked him out on a date two months ago whenever it got close to us kissing.
"You followed them?"
I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yes, now stop trying to change the subject."
"I well uh-its-" he just kept shifting uncomfortably on his tree branch refusing to meet my eyes. He cleared his throat again checking his pocket for his icha icha book before remembering he'd dropped it earlier.
"It's what?" I demanded keeping my hurt from my voice and allowing only my anger to show.
"Well..." there was a pregnant moment of silence between us.
"Lady Leah! Kakashi Sensei!" I looked down furiously at the ground. Konohameru was on the ground beneath us. "Grandma Tsunade is requesting you in her office! Says it's important."
"Tell her we'll be right there." even Konohameru could hear the relief in Kakashis voice.
"Hurry up Lady Leah!"
I glanced back at the tree trunk not two seconds ago Kakashi had been leaning against. I stared at the carving there in the tree trunk for a moment before pulling a kunai from my pouch and throwing it at the mark. It landed with a satisfying thunk and I turned and leapt off the branch before the little grandson of the third could yell for me again.

I stood before Lady Tsunade with a proper flat face befitting an anbu of my level, aside from that I really didn't want anyone to see the tumult of pain and anger in my chest. my fists tightened at my side as I refocused my attention on Lady Tsunade.
"You know why you're are here I suppose."
"Yes ma'am." I answered before Kakashi could disagree, he glanced at me giving me a weird look along with the other anbu assembled in the room.
"I am glad that you agreed to this mission even if it means you leaving us all the sooner." signed Tsunade.
"I appreciate you allowing me to be apart of this joint task force." Kakashi jerked his head towards her confused.

"Why are you giving me this?" asked Kakashi curiously as I handed him the Pocky box I'd been carrying around all week.
"Give it to Naruto or somebody." I told him keeping two feet of space between us which seemed to confuse him even more. as He peered into my hardened expression.
"Don't be silly you've got a long trip ahead of you, you might want a snack besides who knows if the sand village sells Pocky." he said trying to hand it back to me but I shook my head pulling on my anbu mask as Gaara announced the time to leave.
"Keep it, I don't like Pocky." I told him, and it was true. I'd only bought it to try and play the game with him. Kakashi looked shocked stiff and ready to question my statement but Id already turned on the spot and darted away to meet up with Gaara and the others leaving Kakashi behind without a goodbye. Goodbye meant you planned on dying, see you again is what we'd always said before or more what I'd always said because it promised a future. This silence meant the end, the cut off of our relationship. There would be no more Pocky, no more hanging out in the training grounds, no more see you laters, we were over my time of chasing down a love who was unwilling had come to an end. In the security of my mask I allowed a tear to fall down my cheek as the pain of loves thorns cut my heart to ribbons.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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