Kakashi Hatake one shot ~ Promise

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Katsumi aka Kat

Long brown hair to her butt.

Purple eyes

Flawless porcelain skin

"Wait what!" protested Katsumi. I sighed though I was in love with the kid she did drive me absolutely insane she protested and questioned me almost as much as Naruto used to.

"Relax little lady." sighed Satoshi rubbing her head as he smirked "It's just for a month."

A odd look flashes across Kats face could that have been fear? No Kat was never afraid if anything she was to stubborn to forward and rambunctious to be afraid.

"Look I'll check in with you later this month ok?" I asked sighing. Katsumi gave Satoshi a doubtful and hostile glance. She grabbed her left arm so I knew she was caving.

"Look it'll be fine once your done your training you'll take the exams and everything will go smoothly I promise." Kat sighed and then nodded.

"O-ok just visit soon alright?" I smiled and nodded thinking when I have the time.

"Hey I'll write to you soon." called Sakura waving Kat gave her a small wave as Satoshi steered her out by the shoulders.

"Alright now where's Sai since you both need work." I sighed.

What I had though was correct it was a week before the events when I finally had a moment away from training Sakura and Sai and on occasion Naruto. I had felt twinges before about not seeing her but pushed them aside as my heart missing her. I could not act upon impulses like that I was her teacher first besides she was fine Satoshi was one of the strongest Jonin I knew aside from myself Guy and Kurenai.

I knew she had wanted me to visit but I wasn't worried according to Satoshi she was doing quite well and exceeding very quickly. As I had expected of her...

"Hey Sensei..." I looked up to see a troubled looking Sakura.

"What is it?" I asked "What's troubling you?"

"Normally I would have asked someone else but I just..."

This sparked my interest Sakura truly looked upset. "What is it?"

"Do you think that Kat is mad at me or something?" she asked. This surprised me, Kat and Sakura had been best friends even if Kat sometimes annoyed her with her boisterousness and hyperness.

"Now why would you say that?" I asked sitting up. "Did you to get in a fight?"

"No not that I remember." answers Sakura sitting down and looking crestfallen.

"Then why would you think that?" I inquired. Satoshi hadn't even told me the two had seen each other. Come to think of it he hadn't told me much other than she was doing fine doing fine such a pretty little thing.

"Well Kat hasn't returned a single letter and whenever I go to visit her in her apartment she doesn't answer the door even though I know the windows open."

I grew stiff. "Wait you mean you haven't heard from her either?" checked Naruto. "What about you

"I haven't heard from her since she visited me in the hospital day after he took her in she seemed upset she was acting weird if I didn't know better I would say Kat was frightened but she's never been scared before so I can't imagine why she would be now." answered Sai. My gut curled and I closed my eyes.

Then it wasn't my imagination that day when they met.

Suddenly I had chills up my spine.

"So no one has had any contact with her..." I mumbled as a hard knot tied itself in my gut. Why did I feel afraid?

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