Kiba One Shot ~ Dancing in the cold

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Jade Nara


Bright Blue eyes similar to Narutos.

"Come on Lilly!" I laughed as I ran through town. Lilly barked and continued to run after me her tail wagging behind her. I smiled she really had gotten bigger since I found her in the gutter two years ago. I stopped running and turned around allowing her to jump into my openarms.

"Oh I love you!" I laughed holding her close as she licked me all over. "You've put on some weight again too isn't that great soon Im gonna have to be careful your not getting to fat." after two years of shoveling food into her with lots of exercise it was great to see she was finally getting bigger. In fact according to the bet she was about to sprout up quiet a bit and within the next couple months get to be big enough to ride. So I was once again shoveling food into her.

Lilly let out a bark and I smiled craddling her close. She really seemed kinda small to think I'd be ridding her but. I knew that soon she wouldn't be little at all but for now she was fine the way she was.

"Hey Jade there's a message for you!" I turned and smiled at my Sensei as she waved a piece of paper in the air from the upstairs window of our apartment.

"Thanks I'll be right there!" I called. Gathering up Lilly and taking off my boots and ran inside and up the stairs.

"Who's it from?" I asked setting Lilly down and placing my jacket on the peg.

I loved it here but winter was about to set in and it was cold!

"It's from Konoha." answered Aika my teacher and friend for the last twenty six months.

instantly I snatched it from her ripping it open.

"What does it say what does it say!" I yelled excited.

"Relax before you rip the message as well." laughed Aiko shaking her head.

Lilly gave an encourage bark and I opened the letter.

Dear Jade,

Life here in Konoha has been nice. I'm glad to hear Lilly and you are doing well. Ive been super busy with studying lately...

I smiled Tentens letter went on for a while but several sentences caught my eye.

"Well?" asked Lilly. Yeah my dog talks I now understand how Kiba must feel. My cheeks got rosy at the thought of him.

"Well apparently everyone is doing alright." I said sitting down across from Aiko.

"And?" she trailed knowing it wasnt the end of it.

"And everyone will be starting to return to the village in six or seven months..." my voice had grown soft but she heard.

"Well then my dear it appears my tutelage time with you is drawing to a close." I looked up in surprise as Aiko rose "Get your gear on its time to train let's make the next few months worth it."

I beamed at her. I loved her no hard feelings nothing she was just an awesome and caring person. I hugged Aiko and she laughed hugging back.

"Thank you." I told her.

"Well what are you waiting for to get changed." she said gruffly but I knew from her smile she meant it lovingly.

Six and a half months later

I smiled as I walked around Lilly trailing behind me. She was small the size of a puppy. Why she was that size was her choice seeing as we had found out she could change her size at will a nice trick. I had been back for two days settling in a new apartment. Saying goodbye to Aiko had been hard but now back here at Konoha I knew this is where I truly belonged.

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