Garra-Cookies and two heartbeats

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I couldn't help but laugh as Garra smacked me with sand. It didn't hurt that bad though he looked horrified.

"Sky!" he was at my side in an instant and held my cheek gently.

"Relax I'm fine." I promised smiling "I brought cookies."

"Are you sure you are alright Sky you do not need to lie." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Look it stung a little but not nearly as bad as the burns I got making these cookies." Garra looked guilty so I set the tray aside and gently took his hands placing them on my face so he could feel there was no damage. "See?" he sighed in relief. Ever since he had taken the beast back within him to stop the Akatsuki from using it to destroy the village he had been overly careful about hurting me. It made me feel good after all our first encounter was when we were much younger. Thinking I was useless he almost killed me until my own beast roared up and saved me.

"I'm sorry Sky I-" I shoved a cookie in his mouth to shut him up.

"No no more I'm sorrys understand me? I'm not that easy to break Garra." I gave him a stern glare which would appear funny considering how I was a head shorter than him and most likely looked rather silly glaring up at the Kazekage my hands on my hips.

"The cookies are delicious." he murmured and I brightened knowing I had won.

"Good I tried tweaking the recipe a little because I think I used a little too much salt in it last time." I knew Garra was giving me a amused look as I turned around and grabbed a glass of milk to hand to him. What I saw behind him however made me react differently. I spun around him lightning fast and caught the shurokin mid air. The guards around the room froze as did Garra his eyes flittif around the room.

"Assassin after the Kazekage going to follow!" I called into my earpiece.

"Go well cover Garra." came Temaris voice over the line.

"That isn't necessary." said Garra standing beside me.

"Exactly," claimed a voice from the ceiling "Especially since we're not here for him."

My eyes widened as three people I recognized all too well materialized in the shadows across the room as every guard fell paralyzed to the ground.

"Then what is it you want?" demanded Garra.

"Were after little Sky here." Garra looked at me but I couldn't moved my wide eyes were fixated ahead terrified of the three figures within the shadows. The Kunai fell from my fingers and I backed a trembling step away.

"That won't do anything princess you can't run from it." chuckled the third and most shadkwed figure.

"What are they talking about?" asked Garra cooly never one to loose his head.

"The-they're for my old village they're here to take me back." I whispered. Garras face hardened.

"What do you mean take you back?" he growled.

"The Kazekage of Water village has sold Princess Sky here to be the wife of the new leader of the lightning village Takeshi-"

"No!" I screamed memories of pain and torture of cruelty flooded my mind at the mention of that boy.

"Princess it is your fate our master paid quite a large sum of money to the Kazekage and he won't be disappointed." said the first man who I now recocgnized as Chiba Takeshis protector from when we were younger.

"I'm afraid he will, tell him to ask for his money back Sky is not for sale. Besides they threw her out she doesn't belong to them anymore." I was surprised that Garra had stepped in between us and was now planted firmly in front of me an arm reaching back slightly to guard me more.

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