Kakashi Hatake One shot ~ Forgotten memories and the new hokage

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"We need to peer into her mind see what she's hiding and maybe well find out who she is." Stated Inos father. Shikamaru, Ino and Choji watched as her father placed his hand on the girls forehead. What he wasn't expecting was to be sucked into the girls mind. Immediately images and memories began playing before his eyes.

A blue sky children's laughter.
The face of a beautiful woman.
A pretty blue dress.

Suddenly the memories got stronger he couldn't control them.

"Sweet heart be careful." The girl a young bright blonde did a flip off a balance beam with perfect form but her landing was rough and she fell on her butt. A man stepped into the frame laughing. It was the fourth hokage. He laughed before bending down and ruffling the girls long blonde hair.
"You did a good job if you keep trying I'm sure you'll get it down in no time." The girl sniffed and wiped away her tears before smiling at him.

The scene changed.
The girl was older now maybe thirteen.
"Come on Kimiko!" Called a voice as they raced through the trees. "Or well leave you behind!"
"You wish!" She laughed and sped up over taking two other young genin who were easily distinguished as Kakashi and Obito.
"Why race you'll only tire yourself out more idiots." Scoffed Kakashi who despite his comment was still making sure to keep up.
"Oh come on lighten up Kakashi it's fun besides you aren't saying that you can't keep up are you? I mean I can understand not keeping up with me I have been jonin longer than you but Obito?" She had a gleam in her bright sapphire eyes she was toying with him.
"Like I couldn't! This is easy!" He reorted.
"Then you should have no problem...keeping up?" With that she took off even faster surprising the two boys as she laughed and left them in the dust.
"Hey no fair!" Yelled Objto.
"Tch!" Kakashi hurried after her not to be outdone and clearly smiling behind his mask.

The scene switched again.
Kimiko was standing beside the scarlet haired woman again.
"Mom mom is it a girl or a boy?" She was admiring the woman who was apparently her mothers pregnant belly with awe.
"It's a boy. Were naming him Naruto after your uncle-"
"Jiraiyas book character I love that book! This is awesome!" The thirteen year old could not have looked happier.

The scene changed again.
The girl was kneeling on the floor in fullanbu ninja gear minus her mask. She was splattered with blood and had some nasty scratches and bruises. You could just see the body of her mother a short distance away, dead. In Kimikos arms was a bundle a baby, crying. Kimiko shushed the baby even as she cried herself holding it close her body shaking with sobs.
A hand gripped her shoulder and she looked up through tear soaked eyes. "Come."
At the command the scene changed.

"Daddy no not you two!" Kimiko was crying sobbing. She was still dressed head to toe in ninja gear clutching the baby. Before her was the fourth hokage moving around the room preparing what appeared to be a ceremony.
"I'm sorry Kimiko but it's the only way."
"No it's not! We can still stop it! You and I together we can save the village My spirit-"
"No!" The fourth hokage yelled grabbing his daughters arm firmly in his grip and staring down hard into her eyes. "You realize what would happen the minute you tried to face the fox with your own twelve tails? It would go insane! Everything would be destroyed! Remember the nine tails and your twelve tails are the only siblings out of the tailed beast spirits! And yours is the only female tailed beast! Together Luna the older sister and the nine tails would wreak havoc upon the village and kill everyone!"
"I can control her! She fights with me!" Yelled Kimiko crying.
"And who's controlling the nine tails it would kill you to free her! Or you'd force her to kill her younger brother! Do you understand what that means! They may be tailed beasts but they have emotions! Could you kill Naruto?"
Tears welled in the girls face as she looked terrified and horrified she clung even more to the baby in her arms shaking her head as she sobbed and curled around him.
"Then don't talk none sense." He said Softly and embraced her holding her and the baby in his arms. "I am sorry. You have had such a hard life and now I am only making it harder. You are my darling baby girl the light of my life and I'm sorry I have failed to protect you."
"No dad no you didn't this this isn't your fault." She cried.
"I'm sorry my dear. I'm sorry I'm leaving you alone. But this is the only way to protect the village, to protect you and Naruto."
"He-he'll be ok right?" Whispered Kimiko looking down at her baby brother who she so adored and loved.
"And I'll see you again right? When everything's all over. You'll wait for me right when someday-"
"Don't speak of your death." Said the fourth hokage "you have a long life ahead of you. I'll see, I'll be watching over you and Naruto for the rest of your lives no matter what I promise."
Kimikos eyes welled with tears and slowly she handed the baby over to her father. There was a gap in her memory and then the girl was lifting the crying baby from the cloths the hokage was gone but on baby Narutos stomach was the seal of the fox.
"I'll protect him father I promise I'll protect Naruto." She whispered holding the baby close "I will protect him don't worry."

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