Your Ok~Kankuro :)

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Shaggy Brunette hair medium length wavy with bangs dusting her purple eyes

Porcelain skin like china doll with rosy lips and curvy body

Tends to wear red tank top with black leather half jacket with sleeves only to the elbow, black short shorts black stud belt and black sandals with black fingerless gloves on her hands.


Kankuro is 18

I'm so late Kankuros going to freak. I thought as I walked quickly through Sunagakures crowded market street and into the ninja district.

"Risa sama! Risa-sama!" I looked around in surprise to hear my name being called out in the street. I turned around to see Kora. I stopped walking as she ran up and stopped before me panting.

"Karo what are you doing here?" I asked curious.

"I wanted to see you before you go to practice with Kankurosensei." I smiled At the very young Genin unlike a lot of Kankuros other female students she didn't irritate me. Kora was an adorable seven year old, short small and petite her chocolate brown hair in two pigtails her bangs straight cut and adorable, she always had on cute denim skirts with leggings and tshirts her eyes a bright blue.

"Oh you did huh? What can I do for you then?" I asked smiling kindly.

"I was told to give you this it's from me and the other kids in the academy." this surprised me. Being Kankuros only permanent student seeing as he only taught on occasion at the new school I had only been there twice. Yeah you could call me Kankuros apprentice but student, assistant, teammate, and secretary could work also as all those fit my job description. Hence the reason I had to follow him around like a puppy, not that I wouldn't I mean he's Kankuro hot, gorgeous, strong-


"Thank you Kora that's so nice." I took the package from her with care.

"Thier for you Senseis and Lord Kazekage." that warmed my heart and made me giggle as her cheeks flushed pink at the mention of Garra. I really needed to introduce him to his tiny fan girl. "I have to get to class now see you later Risa sensei!"

"Goodbye Kora thanks so much and tell everyone i say hello and thank you!" I called after her. She waved and kept running. Chuckling I looked down at the fabric wrapped gift or gifts as the feel of four separate items. It was very heavy and it stumped me what they could be.

Then hearing my name from a window in the large building behind me I jumped and ran inside.

"Lady Risa." everyone bowed respectfully as I raced past and down the long hallways.

"Where is she!" I could hear Kankuros voice thundering through the house.

"What do you mean you don't know! She could have been kidnapped! What use are you-"

I lost track of what he shouted as I wheeled around a corner and almost collided with a group of soldiers.

"Lady Risa!" they exclaimed shocked.


"I know I know I'm running late." I told them sighing and setting off again surrounded by the guards.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE GO FIND HER!" I could hear crashing and Kankuro raging as I raced down the hallway.

"Kankuro calm down I'm sure Risas fine!" I heard Temari trying to assure him but she was yelling too.


Of course he would be scared because of that, he always freaked out when I wasn't near him convinced I'd be kidnapped again.

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