Side Material Data Book 1: Y/n

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(A/n: Just background Notes and Side Material on the characters that either didn't make it into the story yet or small notes i keep in mind when writing some of the characters. Only putting some stuff up on Y/n to hopefully help me with my writers block and hopefully kick me into gear on getting the next chapters out. Only contains certain details for the first volume. Feel free to ignore unless you are curious about some random little notes. ^^)

Assassin of the Vinsmokes Y/n

Assassin of the Vinsmokes Y/n

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Ocean of Origin: North Blue

Favorite Food: None

Additional Information/Background events: 

-Protective Older brother of Sanji and Reiju Vinsmoke, dislikes the other siblings and if given the chance would kill them. Taught how to read and write by Sora. Whenever he came back from a mission he "purchased" adult magazines for Sanji as a present, annoying Reiju and confusing a still young Sanji. Once thought it was a good idea to read a scary bedtime story to Reiju. 

 -Assassinated his first ever target at a really young age, by shooting an arrow into their neck. Due to the experiments conducted on him when he was still an infant one of his eyes permanently changed color from (E/C) to Crimson/black (later seen to have the same effect on the other Vinsmoke siblings minus Sanji, but to a lesser degree only one eye changed his hair and other eye remains the same). Y/n was born with his observation haki already unlocked allowing him to feel/sense the emotions of those around him, able to feel the pain in their hearts as well as their joy. Due to being an assassin of the Vinsmokes he constantly had to deal with the emotional pain and regrets of those who died.  The emotional strain almost broke his mind if it wasn't for a certain group of pirates with a red hair captain, and Sora. 

-Dream: to form his own family like pirate crew, and prove Sora right that he wasn't just some killing tool. 

-Most treasured possession: A picture of him,Sora,Reiju, and Sanji when he was still a baby. 

-Status: "Dead"

Y/n Demonic Kitsune 

Ocean Of Origin: New World

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Ocean Of Origin: New World

Favorite Food: Whatever Smoothie Cooks. 

-Enjoys reading about different types of mythologies and even names his moves after Gods or creatures from those myths.  At some point in time developed a love for Mermaids and women with mature looks/personalities, and brought some magazines to "study" them up close.  Smoothie once found those magazines and burned them (would have let him keep them if he didn't lie and say they belonged to Cracker). Y/n tends to stroke Smoothie's hair until she falls asleep while humming a calming tune he heard a very long time ago from someone he can no longer remember.  Once killed several kids that made fun of his little sister's eye (Pudding). Smoothie was the first person to ever make him a cake for his birthday as well as throwing him a small party. Cut back on unnecessary killing at the request of Sachi and asked his crew-mates to do the same. According to Hawk and Ducker he has a sister complex when it comes to both Pudding and Sachi (after claiming he would kill anyone who tries to touch them). Enjoys watching the stars at night. 

Most treasured possessions: The pictures he took with Smoothie,Pudding, and Himself when they went on a picnic. A picture of Him and Smoothie on the day they shared their first kiss. The kitsune mask given to him by Smoothie (only lets those he trust touch it).

-Considers the Assassin of the Vinsmokes and himself to be separate entities. Memories from those days seem to be fading to the point he can no longer recognize them as his own as well as forgetting the faces of those close to the Assassin of the Vinsmokes.  Currently can only remember vague details and names. 

-Dream: to create a world where his wife and those he cares about can live without worrying about being captured by World Nobles or killed by corrupt tyrants.  


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