Chapter 10: Incoming from an unknown archer!

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                                                                    (No One's Pov)

  The sun was starting to rise over the horizon of the archipelago, Boudica had the body of F/n slung around her neck by his arms dragging him to safety as was currently passed out after the battle with the Marines. With the sun rising and the cover of night starting to vanish she increased her running pace to her destination before the Marine soldiers or the Admiral could catch up to the two, if they caught up to her again it would be the end for the two.

Boudica: Just a little further and we'll make it to groove five after we should be safe hopefully

Casting a glance to the masked figure she nodded to herself determination pushing her to go faster past her body limits ignoring the tightness in her chest and the burning her legs were currently experiencing from the continuous running.

Boudica: I can endure this as his sword I can't allow us to be captured after he trusted me with his body.

Off in the distance she could see the giant number five on the tree, her destination was in sight.

Boudica: We made it F/n! Now we just have to make it to the outskirts of this groove and meet up with Ebisu.

F/n: .......Dodge to the left........

Boudica: Huh?

Hearing the weakness in his voice she looked around taking his advice and running to the left continuing forward, in the spot that the two had just escaped an arrow matching the size of her body crashed to the ground with enough force to create a crater in it spots. F/n weakly squeezed on Boudica's shoulder fading in and out of his passed out state.

Boudica: What's going on F/n

F/n: .........I-i don't know but I do know who ever is shooting those arrows I can barely sense their's really far from are current position.......make a right and continue running straight an arrow will be heading towards us.

Nodding she continued following his orders without question and with each order she followed  the same gigantic arrow would impact with incredible speed and force creating a crater at the spot they would have ended up in if she continued on the path she was running.

F/n: .......i would like to meet this guy I thought I was good at long distance......i'm not even on his level.......

Boudica: Take this seriously F/n if you don't pay attention we might die.

F/n: Sorry it's taking all I have just to try track the arrow....the speed of the arrow is insane....Shark should be near us.....keep moving......when you see his outline tell him to prepare our escape...this archer seems to be finished warming right then left run forward for a few feet and continue running right.

Running faster as she followed his orders, she continued pressing forward not even looking back when she heard the crashing impacts of the arrows hitting the ground.

Boudica: this is insane how can he fire multiple arrows with such accuracy and speed from a distance you can't even feel.

F/n: ....................

Boudica: F/n?

The male around her shoulder was currently passed out around her shoulder, in the distance she could see the outline of the Fish-man Shark Ebisu waving her free hand in the air to catch his attention.

Boudica: Ebisu! Ebisu! Hurry up and prepare to leave we have trouble!

The fish-man shark noticed her approaching barely catching what she said but understanding the urgency in her voice.

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