Chapter 31: Fire-Fist Ace Vs Demonic Kitsune F/n

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                                (Island near FoodValten) (F/n and Ace's Location)

   Ace flamed fist clashed against the mask of F/n at the same time the (F/c) solid plasma fist of F/n struck against the face of Ace neither person budging from their spot.

F/n: Fufuhahaha that's enough for a friendly warm up don't you think fire-fist

Ace smirked nodding his head at the male.

Ace: I was thinking the same, and how i should start increasing the heat of my flames since it looked like that level hardly fazed you.

The bottom of F/n's feet covered with (F/c) neon electricity, the second Ace blinked the masked male vanished from sight the air around him letting out a crackling sound.

Ace: .............................

F/n: I wonder Fire-fist if you can really beat me I mean if you think about it isn't my fruit a way more advance version of yours

Ace looked around unable to spot the male even after hearing his voice,while he was looking around multiple small balls of flames came shooting towards him, smirking Ace stood in the same spot the flames going through his body burning the grassy ground behind him.

Ace: Is that so that flame barely fazed me on the other hand. Heat Haze!

Shooting a stream of fire from the palm of his hands towards the air slightly off to his left hand side, F/n standing in the air the electricity on the bottom of his feet keeping him high above the ground watched as the fire approached, taking the attack head on he felt his skin slightly burn and knock him down towards the ground below.

F/n: .................hmm I see maybe it's because I rarely use my devil fruits plasma flames my body still needs to get used to certain levels of heat Fufuhahahaha very well at least this battle won't be boring!

F/n jumped out the way as another stream of fire came towards him, Ace continued directing the fire towards him even after he jumped out of the way.

F/n: ..........................Fufuhahaha Aegis!

F/n continued jumping out of the flames path, while he was jumping in his right hand a medium size circular shield made of solid (F/c) plasma formed in his hand.

F/n: ......................Let's see how this holds up against an experienced fire user!

F/n turned to face the flames head on smacking the flames away with the shield, with the fire now diverted he used the chance to push forward holding the shield in front of him to block the incoming flames that was heading for him.

Ace: So you can use it for defense as well....i'll keep attacking until i find a way around your shield

As Ace studied the attack F/n ran forward when F/n was a few feet away from Ace ...he threw the plasma shield towards the gut of Ace.

Ace: Well that's pretty easy to dodge, hmm !??!

The area around Ace stomach turned into flames opening up as the shield passed through his body, Ace shot the mask male a smug smirk until he saw neon electricity around the middle and index finger of F/n his previous smirk faded away.

F/n: To late "fire-fist"!

F/n pointed both fingers in Ace direction towards the shield that was flying behind him after passing through his body, and with one swift motion pointed both fingers at himself. The shield shook in the air for a brief moment before flying back in the direction it came from, slamming Ace in the back forcing him to fly forward with the shield in the direction F/n was waiting both of his fist turned to a solid emerald green plasma.

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