Chapter 19

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Quite a few weeks passed of blissful peacefulness. It felt as though the end of winter also meant the end of all of the Grbacs drama.  Luna got rid of the knife and baseball bat from her room, all seemed back to normal. She no longer even believed the murders were connected and had decided they were just a couple of flukes. It was Easter weekend and the sisters had invited their aunt over. Luna had pressed her sister to invite Tate along with their aunt but Venus insisted it just be blood-related family. Neither of them could cook so they asked the Zamolodchikovas to help them out. Luna had dyed some decorative eggs and they had bunny statues placed around the house. Stephanie, as per-usual, was running late so Venus and Luna looked out the window as they awaited her arrival.

As Stephanie walked through the door she exclaimed, "Oh, my girls! I missed you! I love the eggs!". Luna blushed and said, "I dyed them!" then gave her aunt a hug. Stephanie laughed, "This food doesn't smell like cheap restaurant take-out or Kraft.". Venus admitted, "We didn't make it, our neighbours did.". Stephanie replied: "Oh that charming Russian gay couple. I remember meeting them. Well, who cares who made it! It looks damn good!". The three of them walked into the dining room and Venus started bringing food to the table.

Luna was anxious to ask Stephanie about the wedding, she inquired, "How are things going? Is everything ready? It's not long now, right? June 8th!". Stephanie responded: "It is coming up! Geez, sometimes I forget how quickly time passes! Yes, yes, pretty much everything is booked and ready. The wiccan church, reception hall, DJ, food.". Luna let out an excited squeal and she began eating her favourite dishes. Venus chimed in, "How's Tate?" and Stephanie replied, "Oh, he's good. His family is so cute, they're really getting enthusiastic about the whole thing.". Venus apologized, "I'm sorry I didn't invite him too to our little Easter feast, I should've and Luna suggested it but I'm still warming up to him.". Stephanie shook her head, "Oh Venus, it's okay. I love Tate and all but I'm not going to become one of those women whose glue-gunned to their husband. I think it's important that we still spend time that's just the three of us.". Luna asked, "Is Nova coming to the wedding?". Stephanie's smile turned into a frown, she sighed: "Sadly not, she says it's too much time away from her job.". The ladies all shared an annoyed look then moved on.

Stephanie stayed the weekend with her nieces. Venus had to work on something for her English course so Luna took her aunt out around Sweetnum Valley. Luna asked Stephanie after they had walked around for a bit, "So where do you want to eat for a little treat?". Stephanie cried, "Where is a good spot for pie? Damn, I would just kill for some pie right now!". Luna thought for a bit, she didn't really go out for pie much. Eventually they found a bakery and Stephanie went in to get "some damn pie.".
When they went inside Betty, the owner of the bakery, looked at Luna and immediately said, "I'm sorry but we don't serve witches here, please go somewhere else.". Luna was used to this, after Sweetnum Valley residents learned there were witches in their town they were quick to establish rules like where witches could go and where they couldn't. She was heading towards the door when she heard Stephanie yell at Betty, "No, I'm sorry but no. We are not leaving, I wanted some pie and I'm not leaving until I get it. You don't know me and I don't think you really know my niece. She's a witch, so what? Now, please bring me my damn pie.". Betty retorted, "So what? She caused a massacre at the prom! My granddaughter could've died. Leave now before I call the police.". Stephanie knew it was time to back off and joined Luna in leaving the shop.

They found another place but Stephanie was still angry. She asked Luna, "Does that happen to you a lot?" as she sipped her latte. Luna replied, "Not really, I usually know which places accept witches and which places do not. I'm used to people hating me in this town though. David, my English teacher and the Zamolodchikovas are the only people that don't want us to burn in hell, really.". Stephanie shook her head in anger and responded, "That's awful. It's good you have your support group though. One of the things I love the most about Tate is that he accepts me. I'm glad everything seems to have calmed down in time for our wedding. No more murders, knock on wood.". Luna agreed, "That was such a stressful time for me, my god! I could hardly sleep! Believe me, I hear you when you say you're glad it's over.". The two of them split a peach pie and had a healing talk about their triumphs along with their tribulations.

When Stephanie and Luna arrived back home Venus had finished her assignments so she suggested they have a board game night. Stephanie inquired, "Well, what game do you want to play?". Luna replied: "Oh, I know, I know. Scrabble! It's my absolute favourite!". Stephanie and Venus didn't love scrabble but Luna was so enthusiastic they couldn't help but agree to it. One of the reasons Stephanie didn't like the game was she is awful at it, she didn't have the biggest vocabulary so she struggled greatly to keep up with her more versatile nieces. Venus asked while they were playing, "So, who are the bridesmaids?". Stephanie replied, "My coworkers and pals, Amy and Rebecca. They're my former clubbing gals so they'll probably the most shocked I'm settling down.". Venus laughed as she remembered all the years she would visit her aunt and there'd be men all around her. Luna, as usual, won the game of scrabble then the ladies had leftovers for dinner.

As with all visits, Stephanie's came to an end the next morning. Luna tried to make her aunt pancakes as a sweet send off but she burnt them again. Everyone felt a bit sad because they loved being with each other, even Morticia the cat let out a disappointed purr. Venus said, "We'll miss you, Aunt Stephanie.". Stephanie joked, "Is that emotion coming from you, Mr. Spock?". Venus rolled her eyes and responded, "Yes, I do have a heart. Though I don't always show it, I love you, auntie.". The two of them hugged and Luna cried, "You better not be hugging without me!" then joined them in a group hug. Stephanie reassured, "Don't worry, you'll see me soon. You know I can't go too long without seeing my favourite, actually my only nieces.". Stephanie got on her broomstick and flew back home to Philadelphia.

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