Chapter 14

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Luna was escorted into the police car, David was yelling, Venus was in shock and Luna was crying. The policeman drove her down to the station, Luna thought, "Oh god, oh god. This is awful. I'll have to spend the rest of my life in jail. Oh god." as tears rolled down her face. The amount of hope in Luna seemed as little as the light in her cell, it was a cold and dingy place. Though she usually tried to think up some sort of plan in times of trouble this felt like too large of a problem for her. She sat in her cell, staring at the empty ceiling.

Venus called Nova, her Aunt Stephanie, Violet, just about anybody she thought could help but nobody seemed to be picking up their phone. And so, Venus only had David. The issue with this was that David was far too emotional to think clearly. He would exclaim, "I'm going to break into her cell and rescue her. I'll knock guards out. I'll do anything and I really mean anything.". Venus knew it was unrealistic that he'd be able to break in and was trying to think of something that would actually work. David had put some music on to try and calm down. When the song Love Potion Number 9 came on Venus cried, "That's it!". David retorted, "A love potion? Oh, I see you'll try and seduce the officers so they let Luna go.". Venus shook her head and explained, "No, not that. Luna made a power potion, I'll visit her at the police station and give her the potion. She'll be strong enough to break the cell bars herself and get out of jail.". David responded, "How will you be able to get it past the guards?". Venus replied, "I'll use a transportation spell that'll make it go from my hands to hers without having to pass it over.". The two of them agreed to the plan and Venus got on her broomstick.

When Venus arrived at the police station she asked, "May I please see Luna Grbac?". She was taken to a room with a glass mirror and a telephone, Luna was on the other side with her makeup all smudged from the tears. "Venus! Oh, Venus! I fear there's no coming back from this, it all seems over for me! Never have I felt so depressed.". Venus touched the mirror, wishing she could hold her sister's hand. She used a spell so only Luna could hear what she's saying, "You're wrong, you're wrong! I brought your power potion, just take some of it and break out of here!". Luna was momentarily happy but then she frowned and argued, "Yes, I'll be out of here but not for long! I'll be wanted by the police, they'll either find me within a few days or I'll live a miserable life on the run.". Venus reassured, "Don't worry, just use a mind-control spell after you break free that'll make the police believe you're innocent". Luna agreed to the plan and Venus successfully used a spell to give her the jar containing her potion.

Luna knew she had to do everything very quickly, she opened the jar and gulped her power potion. Luna thought to herself, "It's showtime!" and destroyed the cell bars. A prison guard came but Luna simply chanted, ''I will for this person to believe I am innocent. This is my will, mote it be.''. She continued to do this with every person she saw at the police station. As Luna flew on her broomstick she began to feel weak and lightheaded. She became too ill to control her broomstick and began falling downwards. David had been walking towards her house and noticed that she was about to crash. He rushed towards his girlfriend and luckily caught her in time. He was worried about her seeing her current state and said softly, "What happened to you? Are you okay?". When Luna didn't reply he yelled, "Luna! Luna!" but she had fallen completely unconscious. 

David carried Luna home, his heart pounding with anxiety. When Venus saw her sister she decided, "I'll take her to the Witch's society of America headquarters, Violet will know what to do.". David exclaimed, "I'm coming with you! I won't leave her side!". Venus responded, "You can't, your parents will flip. You've probably already been away too long. Don't worry, she'll be fine". David was upset but knew Venus was right and went home. Venus thought, "The sad thing is, I don't know if she'll actually be alright.". Venus couldn't carry Luna while flying on her broomstick so she used a teleportation spell to transport the two of them.

When Violet saw that Luna was unconscious she cried: "Oh no, has she been shot too?". Venus shook her head and explained, "No, apparently she was flying on her broomstick and suddenly became unconscious.". Violet motioned for them to go into the medical room and Venus lay her youngest sister on the table. Violet inquired, "Do you know if she had taken the potion she made last weekend?". Venus nodded her head and Violet replied, "Yes, yes, that makes sense. She probably had a bad reaction to it.". Venus exclaimed: "So what do we do?". Violet responded, "Well, I can have Poppy make Luna some medicine. I have seen a different range of outcomes to people with a bad reaction to potions, in some cases the medicine works but sadly in some, it's too late and unfortunately, the person has died.". Venus's face turned pale and Violet called upon Poppy to begin making the medicine.

Poppy made the medicine as quickly as she could while Venus anxiously paced the room. David had texted her to ask how Luna was but she didn't reply, she didn't want to tell him that there was a chance his girlfriend could die. Once the medicine had been made they put it in an IV because Luna obviously couldn't sip it. Venus exclaimed, "Why isn't she awake yet?" after a couple of minutes. Violet sighed, "It takes a few hours to work. We'll simply have to wait here for a while.". Venus tried to do some of her assignments but her mind was busy, all she could think of was her sister. Violet and Poppy would check in on Luna every couple of minutes to see if anything new has happened.

Venus was emailing her professors to say she would be away for a few days when she heard something. She looked outside the window but she didn't see anything, there was nobody in the halls too. She looked at Luna and cried, "Luna! You're breathing! Oh my goodness, I've never been happier to see you awake! That sound was you!". Luna still felt weak but she managed to flash her sister a smile and say: "What happened? Where am I? The last thing I remember is being on my broomstick and flying away from the police station.". Venus explained to her what had happened and called Violet to tell her Luna was awake.

Venus brought Luna back home but she still needed time to recover. Alexei didn't have a job and since he lived right next door he would stay with her during the day. After school, David came over to check on his girlfriend and gave her the schoolwork she was missing. Luna disliked being bedridden but Venus reminded her that if she rushed her recovery she would suffer later. Luckily for Luna, she fully recovered within a week and was able to return to her normal, or what was normal for her at least, life.

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