Chapter 15

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Luna and Venus went wedding dress shopping with their Aunt Stephanie, after all the chaos the Grbacs had faced they were happy to just do something fun. Stephanie's style was promiscuous, to say the least. She didn't dress trashy but she liked to "show off her assets" as she would say. The sisters felt like they might all struggle to agree on a dress that was perfect. As they flew on their broomsticks to the mall, Luna asked: "So do you want something long? Short? Mermaid style? Ball gown?". Stephanie replied, "Oh I don't know yet, you have to try on everything and see what calls you.". Venus rolled her eyes, she thought: "Ugh, people who say stuff like "develop a connection with your clothes" are so stupid.". They landed in front of the store and Stephanie practically ran inside with excitement.

Luna and Venus sat down on the chairs while their aunt began trying on different dresses. Venus asked Luna, "Are we sure we should just let this wedding happen?". Luna responded, "What do you mean?". Venus explained, "Well, you know, he doesn't have a job. He just kind of seems like a bit of a loser.". Luna was going to reply but then she saw her aunt so she quieted down. Stephanie said: "Really, Venus? I'm trying on dresses and all you can do is diss my fiance? Come on!". Venus replied: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just hope you're making the right choice.". Stephanie reassured: "I know that Tate isn't necessarily a professional kind of a guy but we really do love each other. He's the one, I know it. I was scared of commitment, I mean I really was a hookups and one night stands kind of gal for a long time but he's the one I want to settle down for.". They all hugged it out and Stephanie returned to trying on the dresses.

The issue with Stephanie is she liked all the dresses she was trying on. She joked: "Maybe I'll just have ten weddings! That way I can have ten dresses!". Luna suggested, "How about the long ball gown with tulle and lace?". Stephanie tried it on again and cried, "Oh you're right, Luna! I really do feel this one. I mean the other ones are pretty but if I had to pick the perfect one, this is it! I feel like a freaking princess!". Luna exclaimed: "You are a princess!". Stephanie happily bought her dress while Luna continued to look around at the dresses. Luna whispered to Venus: "I'm going to get a black wedding dress when I get married!". Venus laughed and they all left the store.

Luna nagged her aunt and sister to go get some bubble tea with her. Stephanie laughed: "I've never tried this, Luna. This better be good!". Luna had gotten them three mango ones with tapioca. Venus responded, "Me too but this looks good.". Much to Luna's delight, her family ended up loving her favourite drink. Venus asked, "So, what was our parents' wedding like?". Stephanie's eyes welled up a bit, she missed her sister deeply and wished she could be at her wedding. She replied: "Oh, it was grand. You know your mother, she loved big events. Princess Diana's wedding had just happened so naturally she tried to find a dress just as big as hers. Your dad was so scared, he was always an awkward guy and the grandness of the event intimidated him but he pulled through in the end. Everyone had an amazing time, it was past midnight and people were still on the dance floor.". Everyone grew emotional so Stephanie tried to lighten the mood with a happier question: "So, what's the lowdown of you beautiful ladies love lives?". Luna smiled and informed, "Things are still going very well between me and David. He's such a sweetie, Aunt Stephanie! We have the best time together. I absolutely love him!". Stephanie responded: "Aww, young love! Now, how about you Venus?". Venus sighed, "I've told you time and time again, Aunt Stephanie, I don't like love. Not in that way, at least.". Luna asked: "So, Aunt Stephanie, what's the honeymoon plan?". Stephanie replied: "Well, me and Tate pondered for a while where to go but we've decided on good old, Paris.". The ladies all finished their bubble tea then Luna and Venus said goodbye to their aunt.

Shortly after they arrived home there was a knock at the door. Venus opened the door and saw Rachel. Rachel immediately said, "I'm going to make this short but not so sweet. I know that David is hanging out with your sister behind my back. You have got to control this.". Venus replied: "I'm sorry but I'm not going to do that. Luna was freed from prison, she's innocent. You have no reason to be afraid of your son hanging out with her. Even if you don't approve of them they'll find a way to see each other. They're teenagers in love, there's no stopping them.". Rachel replied: "Very well, you have convinced me. I guess if the police believe in her than I should too. But I've got my eyes on her and if I hear she has done anything bad that's it, I will see to it they don't date anymore.". She slammed the door then left.

Luna and David celebrated his mother's loosening of rules by going cross country skiing. She had been hesitant at first to agree to it because she wasn't that sporty but David convinced her. He argued: "Come on, it's Valentine's Day and nothing says romance like skiing!". She flew them on her broomstick to a nearby resort. When they got there she whined, "Oh, do I have to? Can't you ski while I go to the spa?". David responded, "Don't worry! You'll love it!". They were given the equipment then headed to the trail. Though Luna was scared she found herself enjoying being out in the beautiful snow and as always, chatting with her boyfriend. She admitted, "Okay, okay, you were right. This is quite nice!". David laughed, "See, you gotta trust me! I'm not that physical either but it's fun being out here." and they continued on their trail.

After they were done cross country skiing they went back to the chalet and gave each other their Valentines Day gifts. David gave Luna a necklace with a black rose on it and said, "It's beautiful and dark just like you.". Luna got him a book on Alfred Hitchcock. She had been nervous as to whether or not he would like it but David cried: "This is amazing! Thank you, thank you!". The two of them carried a happy air within themselves as they headed home.

Venus hung out with Asali that night. The two of them went out to the movies, though Asali is sweet she was very controlling and as usual, picked the movie they watched. Asali exclaimed, "Oh if young me could see me now! I always wanted to see what was beyond Karachi, have a best friend and just live really! My dad was so controlling and just in general, women aren't expected to go out of the house! This all means so much to me!". Venus gave her friend a hug and they walked into the movie theatre.

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