Part 27

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"RUN!' I shouted as a dog jumped at us luckily it missed, we ran down the hall but I knew for a fact the alien was way faster than us.

"The vault door should be open we need to go there!" I shouted to zhenzhen, I knew the dog was right behind us we had to confuse it.

"Zhenzhen follow me!" I shouted as I turned left, this was the wrong way I know but if we keep turning we should go in a circle and hopefully confuse it.

"What are we doing this isn't the way!" She shouted me as we turned another left.

"I know we are going in a circle, this will confuse it!" I shouted back, soon we lost the dog and I recognised where we were, I ran into the room and saw the door, I ran to it about to press the door.

"No!" A woman shouted but zhenzhen already pressed it, a dog came running out and went straight for the lady and ate her whole. Me and zhenzhen watched in shock.

"guys Dariush is in bad shape and I can't do this alone" Gabriels voice came from the speaker making the dogs attention turn to us.

"Ahhhhhh!" We both screamed as we ran into the room, zhenzhen quickly pressed the button making the door close the dog tired to jump in but was to late, its paw got caught in the door making it chop off, god that was disgusting.

Gabriel's p.o.v

"Shit, they actually got the power back on" I said in shock when all the lights came on, Dariush cheered a little making me chuckle.

"Yes! Okay. Good. Do you see the monitors at the back of the room? Are the control stations working?" He asked, now it's getting serous.

"Yeah, yeah!, The computers are working." I answered.

"Excellent. Now insert the crypto-key" I did as I was told, I was sweating so much I was scared I was gonna screw this up.

"Okay, did your friend move the dish yet?" He asked I looked up at one of the TVs and saw Alex still climbing it.

"Uh...No, I see him but he hasn't moved it yet." I answered he just nodded his head.

"Then you will have to wait before you launch Excalibur" he told me I nodded and watched Alex through the TV. Please be careful.

"Shit" I whispered when I saw the alien behind Alex.

"ALEX! ALEX!" I shouted but nothing I shouted his name a couple more times but still nothing.

"Activate the PA system." Dariush told me but I didn't know how, he sighed and pulled him self to where I was, he did something then he shouted his name.

"ALEX!" He shouted through the system that got Alex's attention.

"GOD?!" He shouted making me sigh.

"Alex! Behind you Alex!" We both shouted, he looked down and screamed he started to climb faster.

"Hurry Alex!" Dariush shouted. Alex finally got to the top and pushed the dish making something beep meaning he did I.

"Shit he did it!" I shouted in excitement.

"Son, Excalibur needs two people to launch it" he explained I nodded my head, I looked to see Dariush passed out!

"Shit, he passed out." I said trying to wake him up.

"Hey, get up! Get up!" I whispered tapping his face and shaking him but he wouldn't wake up.

"One of your other friends is going to have to help you. Where are they?" He asked.

"I don't know" I sighed.

"Guys Dariush is in bad shape and I can't do this alone." I said through the PA system, but no one answered me.

"Get the two launch keys from the safe locker. Let me know when you're there and I'll give you the code." He told me I nodded my head and started to look for the locker when I finally found it I saw the numbers.

"Oh no, fuck fuck" I whispered but I knew I had to do this.

"Okay" I said gulping,

"Punch in... nine, six, three, two, two, one, zero, three. Tell me when you've got it open." I tired to put the numbers in but I Got it wrong, SHIT!

"No. I said, nine, six, three, two, two, one, zero, three." He Repeated but it still didn't work.

"Fuck!" I said pulling on my hair.

"The code, nine, six, three, one..." his voice was echoing and i couldn't handle it I started panicking until a peace of paper was slid in front of me with the numbers on.

"Gabriel. I wrote it down for you. I got you, brother." Dariush said smiling.

"Oh, my God. Thanks. Thank you." I said smiling.

"Hurry up" he said weakly.

"Ok ok, Three, two, two, one.." I said putting the numbers in it beeped and finally opened.

"I got 'em!I got 'em!" I said holding them up showing him. He nodded Smiling.

"It is imperative that they are inserted at the same time." He said I looked over my shoulder to see Dariush passed out again, he only passes out when I need him I swear!

"Oh, shit, he passed out again." I whined.

"Hey, hey wake up" I said shaking him desperately.

"We are running out of time, son!" He shouted making me shake Dariush harder.

"We are running out of time, son!" He said again, I gave up trying to wake him up.

"I can't, I can't" I sighed that's when the door slammed open and zhenzhen and Ava came running in.

"Guys!" I shouted hugging them both.

"Come on, we gotta do this!" Ava said pulling away, god I love her.

Ava's p.o.v

"Come on, we gotta do this!" I said pulling away, zhenzhen instantly ran to Dariush while me and Gabriel ran to the screen.

"What do we do?" I asked as he gave me the launch key

"Right here, okay." He said pointing to where I have to put the key.

"Okay" I said as we both pushed the launch keys in.

"On my mark switch the switch ok" he ordered as I nodded.

"1...2..3- ahhhh!"

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