Part 13

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I slowly opened my eyes and I smiled to my self as I knew Gabriel was next to me, I turned around but he wasn't there I sat up and looked around All the boys are gone it's only me and zhenzhen.

"Zhenzhen" I whispered, She didn't hear me so I got up and shook her.

"Mmm What?" she whined.

"Where is everyone?" She gave me a confused look and looked around the room.

"What the fuck" she said getting out of bed, Then we heard a crash coming from downstairs We looked at each other worried.

There was a battery clock on the wall and the time was only 12am, We both quietly opened the door but couldn't see anything as the lights were off.

"I'll get the torch" zhenzhen whispered as I nodded, She got the torch and turned it on Once we had some light we made our way down the long hallway with a lot of doors.

We went down stairs and heard weird crunching sounds from the kitchen, We both looked at each over and smiled. We walked to the kitchen and saw the boys stuffing their faces with food.

"Sooo goood" Dariush moaned.

"Hell yeah" Alex moaned as well.

"Ahem" I coughed, They all slowly turned there heads to where we were standing, food shoved in their mouths which was funny.

"Hey guys" Gabriel tried to say but it turned out like he was talking gibberish.
Zhenzhen just rolled her eyes getting some food then dragging me to another room.

"What was that?" I whispered.

"What, they might think we are annoyed at them"she giggled so did I.

We opened the food she brought up with her and oh my god it taste so good. We kept eating and eating that we finished the whole bag.

"I know, let's play some hide and seek with the boys" she smirked so did I.

We peeked out the room we were in and the room we were staying in was a couple of doors down.

We saw the boys come up laughing and talking, They went in the room and this is our chance to run, we ran down stairs and into a random room which looks like a music room.

"Guys where are they!" Gabriel said worried.

"Don't worry their probably messing with us, they will come back" wow that was a smart answer for Dariush But was incorrect.

"I'm looking for them, coming Alex" we heard Alex say a little yes then Dariush finally agreed to join.

It's been about an hour and they still haven't found us, I got a little tired of sitting here.

"Let's go back to bed so when they go back in there will See us" I suggested. Zhenzhen nodded and we both stood up, We slowly walked to the door and opened it. We looked everywhere but no sign of the boys.

We ran upstairs and into the room. We laid down on the same bed and pretended to be asleep.

"I don't know where they could- really" Dariush shouted as he walked through the door.

"Firstly, shhhhh secondly she is not sleeping there" I got lifted of the bed and onto the one near the window again.

He was doing something but I don't know what but I trust him, I felt the bed dip beside me and I smiled I turned around and opened my eyes like I just woke up.

"Hey Principessa" he whispered, I just released he is shirtless but hey I'm not complaining.

"Hey" I whispered.

"Nice game of hide and seek" he winked I just giggled, We both stared at each other  for a minute or two when I realised he was leaning in again But this time I'm more confident. I started leaning in to I felt his lips brush mine making me shiver.

He finally kissed me and oh my god His lips are so soft. Thank god he only pecked me and didn't go for a make out. We both pulled away and smiled.

"Goodnight for real Principessa" he chuckled cuddling me.

"Good night" I whispered putting my head in his chest.


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