Part 3

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"Oh shit" I whispered, slowly walking backwards so did everyone else but quickly legged it as lasers were fired at the camp. Everyone was running different directions Zhenzhen, Alex and Dariush Went left me and Gabriel went right.

Big explosions were everywhere making the ground shake, Me and Gabriel got lifted up in the air, In my eyes it was slow motion. The others got lifted up in the air as well. All of us screaming even zhenzhen. We landed with a big thud.

"Ouchie" I mumbled rubbing my knees and elbows, Gabriel must of heard as he looked at me strangely.

"What?" I asked but he just chuckled.

"Guys stop flirting and run!" Dariush shouted, We both got up and ran for our lives Little did we all know that we weren't fast enough to out run a aircraft that was heading fall speed at us.

We All jumped as the aircraft came crashing down, Dust and smoke filled the air making all of us cough and not able to open our eyes properly.

"We might as well fucking fly away" Dariush once again commented which was actually funny.

Alex, Gabriel and zhenzhen where already running to the ship thing.

"Bye then" I mumbled Dariush chuckled as we just sat there.

"So do we go over there or just stay here and rest?" Dariush asked, We both looked at each other seriously but then broke out laughing knowing the answer.

"Stay here" we both laughed.

We heard Gabriel gasp loudly making our heads turn to where they were and saw Gabriel jumping up and down holding his hand.

"I think we should go over there now" I said making Dariush groan, We both ran to them and saw Gabriel spraying the thing with water.

"Hold up what are you doing?" I asked taking the bottle from his hand.

"Opening it" Gabriel said trying to get the bottle back but I chucked it in the bush.

"Really!" he shouted, I was a bit taken back.

"Look Guys we can't open it, survival of the fittest-" next thing I knew Dariush was flung into the bushes as the door opened on this rocket thing, I was about to run to him but someone grabbed my arm. I turned around confused and was faced with Gabriel.

"Let go" I demanded, He just shook his head pushing me to Alex who was looking in the ship. I rolled my eyes and looked in as well.

Dariush finally came out the bush rubbing his head, He was about to come by my side until Gabriel pushed him out the way and stood next to me. Fucking hell.

"Hello?" Gabriel whispered.

Nothing happened for a minute or two until a hand swung out the door, We all jumped back startled at the sudden movement. A woman's head came out gasping for air We all ran to her lifting her up. Well trying too.

"Damm, I thought space was supposed to make you weightless" Dariush said struggling.

"we're not in space dip shit" I rolled my eyes, Finally getting her out of the weird ship she started panicking. Zhenzhen checked her to see if she is hurt while Gabriel was asking her questions.

"Hello Miss" Gabriel said politely.

"Where am I?" she asked panicking

"Rim of the world adventure camp" I answered.

"This is a camp?" she asked confused.

"Yeah well I was disappointed too but it is what it is" Dariush sighed.

She went from peach to white like she had seen a ghost, She grabbed a hold of Alex by his shirt.

"Listen, take this key to JPL" she said ripping her necklace of her neck giving it to Alex.

"What about you?" Alex asked, That's when I heard movement behind us. I slowly turned around to see a gooey monster I screamed jumping behind Gabriel holding onto his waste.

"Go, Now!" She screamed.

"You'll die if we leave you" Alex cried.

"We all will if you don't" she was crying now, She pushed Alex away and he nodded to us Gabriel took my hand and ran dragging me along.

"Nice meeting you miss" Dariush shouted back whilst running away, All I could hear was her screaming until they were muffled by something but I didn't want to know what.

We were all running to the main hall until Alex stopped, Gabriel pushed me in the building before running out again to get Alex.

"It has a dog!" I heard Alex scream.

"Did he say dog" Dariush asked zhenzhen and she nodded.

Once we were all in the building I started panicking, No way are we going to out run that thing it's huge. Gabriel noticed me panicking and grabbed ahold of my shoulders getting my attention.

"Nothings going to happen to you" he said calmly some how calming me down.

"Wait, how big was the dog?" Dariush asked.

"What?" Alex had a weird look on his face.

"Maybe it just wants a cuddle you know" suddenly the door swung open and there was a fucking alien dog!.

Gabriel took my hand again and I took zhenzhen's and we all ran to the kitchen.

"That doesn't want to cuddle" I could hear Dariush scream, We ran into the the kitchen and hid behind a counter. Alex and Dariush finally ran in trying to find where we had hidden.

"Alex" we all whispered, We finally got his attention and he ran to us. We whispered Dariush name but he didn't notice until it was too late. He was about to run to us but quickly backed away when the dog walked in.

Gabriel was still holding my hand but I wasn't complaining I felt safe even though I might die. I could hear the dog coming around the counter, We all shuffled the other side but alex didn't have room...I think he is gonna die. I couldn't stand it so I put my head in Gabriel's shoulder, I think he could see I didn't want to witness anything so he wrapped his arms around me holding me tight.

I heard something crash and all I could think about is Dariush.

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