Chapter 1

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Troye's POV

I woke up, it was tragic, horrid, but just a dream... I felt numbness, I was shaking and crying. I've had nightmares like these ever since I've seen those comments on tumblr,twitter, youtube, and facebook. I felt weak and helpless. I feel like I shouldn't even exist, but for some fucking reason, I have to. 

I needed someone, by my side. Being in a hotel alone wasn't as great. Of course everyone would be sleep at 4:30 A.M. I know you guys are thinking, why not call Tyler? Why, he doesn't like me, and besides he's sleep. But I wouldn't assume.

All these thoughts flooding through my head as I sat there on the end of the bed feeling numbness, shaking, and crying. I needed anyone, someone by my side right now.

I tried my hardest getting up and grabbing my phone. It was painful due to all the recent cuts on my sides. But who cares.... 

I dialed Connor

No answer


No answer


No answer



"Tilly?" I responded.

"Why on earth are you calling me at 4:30?" Tyler questioned

"I had a nightmare, I'm so sorry for waking you up Tilly! I just needed someone please.."

At that moment, the tiny little voices flooded my mind once more....

"Troye, just, die, like, now, plz?"

"Tyler would NEVER take a dick like you..."

"Make more cuts please :D! 

"Still drawing my fanart about you dying!"

"Tilly please..." I said shaking.

"OK babe I'm on my way, just calm down alright, lay down and maybe watch T.V." 

"K Tilly," I responded ending the call.

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