💜❌⚠️Searching for love.

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Fiction and humour

"Come on get the stuff and let's go!" The male shouts. "Wait a second you can't leave us like this!" The woman says, tied against the tree. "Oh yes, we can. Unless you want us to take both your daughter and you with us." His other friend laughs. The mother's daughter angrily steps on the man's foot and screams. "You little brat!" He tugs her hair before not too long holding out his dagger to her neck. "You see this? This is your death wish." The mother pleads "No! Don't hurt her!"

Before he had the chance to stab her, his dagger was quickly kicked off his hand. "What the-" The dagger was lost in a pile of leaves, the man looked over to his right to meet with an unexpected carrot in his mouth. "How are ya?" A pink hooded figure waved happily and swiftly kicking him in the face this time. "You know eating carrots and fainting isn't a good idea is it?" He looks over the other man who's stealing the rest of the mother and daughter's things.

"Who the hell you think you are making jokes like this?!" The thief grabs his dagger out running toward the pink hooded figure. "Now that's the spirit! Unlike the other guy who fainted, you asked me a good question!" He runs over to the pile of leaves and hugs a bunch of it, throwing into the air. "My name is Razz by the way!" He finds the dagger on the dirt floor and within perfect timing, both daggers strike at the same time. "Wow, what timing! I was for sure thought I was gonna be stabbed!" Razz said aloud.

"How about we get to know about me-" The thief accidentally plunged his dagger into the tree behind Razz. "Damn it!" He yells struggling to get it off "Aw this is a romantic of you! You pinning me against this tree-" He rolls over to the right and in a flash, he takes out some strange powder from his pouch and threw it onto his eyes. "AAH! It burns!" The thief falls onto the floor in pain.

"Darn I guess I'll never introduce myself to them." He walks over to the mother and daughter that are still tied up to the tree and slices it off the rope from his dagger. "So what are you folks doing out here?" He asks, dusting off some dirt. "We were heading over to the Croist town." The child points behind Razz.

"Oh, that's where I'm going! Mind if I join the trip?" 

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