❌💜✅Good things are not scary.

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(I love this story so much.)



The figure stood in slience.

"This is.. My home."

He reaches for the door knob and tries opening it.


He looks to his left and sees a clockwork display.

Taking a closer look it looked like an owl but with gears with other old bits and pieces.

However, inside the owl's cage stomach hid a small shiny object, he picks it out and finds the key to the door.

"Haha, I remember making this idea."

He turns to the door and inserts the key.

Opening the door he finds a boy playing alone with his toys next to a dining table.

"Hahah! You'll never catch me Mr. tomato! For I am a he-"

The little boy turns his head while moving his toy to the figure's direction.

He drops his toys and begins to scream.


He backs away from the figure.

The figure was speechless.

"In my school they say monsters like you shouldn't be mention or named because you kill people!"

The figure looked down a little upsetted from the boy's response.

He raises his head and smiling directly at the little boy.

"I would've held something dangerous if I were a killer."

He checks his pockets and pulls out streamers, boncy balls and playing cards.

The kid starts to giggle a little bit.

"Yeah Mr. C is a nice man! He used to be gruffy and mean but now he's a changed man!"

The figure's eye twitched remembering things he does not want remember.

He flicked his hat.


The boy giggle some more.

The figure took a small glance at the boy and takes out a balloon.

"This goes there and that goes there.."

He ties the balloons swiftly together until it's shaped like an air ship.


He raises the balloon air ship and starts to fly on it's on in the room.

"Woah! How did you do that?!"

The kid says in amazement standing up.

"It's called a secret."

"Aw! Come on tell me! Is it magic or some type of robotic thing inside it?"

"I told you it's a secret."

The boy watches as the air ship flew into his arms.

"What else could you do?"

"Take a look at my flower and find out."

The boy takes a look at the flower and suddenly water squirted into his face.

He and the boy sliently looked eachother for a moment before laughing.

However, a bright glow interuppted their laughter.

"That's the last..."

The figure held the small orb of light.

"What's that?"

With a surpised look at the child and back at the ball of light.

"You can see this?"

The boy nods.

The figure laughes and rubs his head.

"You'll know eventually, this isn't my present time but it is for you."

The boy tilted his head and pondered.

The figure smiles.

"Thank you."

He turns around to the entrance door as it was filled with bright light.

The little boy ran up to him realizing what he meant.

"Are you my future?"

The figure turns half way.

"You'll find out."

Thank you for reading Original Short & Long Stories! Book 2 will come out as soon the rest of the chapters are finished (This text will be edited once completed)


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