💜✅Sky mirror 1

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1182 Words
Genre: Fiction and fantasy

In school, I always hated these three girls picking on me because I don't wear makeup and yet, we are in middle school grade 7. We shouldn't even worry about what we even look like!

But time to introduce myself, I'm Nalas Matthews. Pathetic last name I know. I play video games mostly platformers, I have a lot of guy friends and not too many gal friends, I like to talk to anyone around me including strangers, I love playing cards and stacking them and I would love to grow up as an actor.

Not really the smartest or either the creative girl in the world but sure do love acting. I always join the drama club every year and it's so much fun!


"Ow!" I shouted.

"Ahem! what are you doing?" A girl one grade older then I said.

"Oh great." I sighed.

But you know what's not fun?

"Jesus your hair is all dry and frizzy what did you comb it with? a bush? or a bunch of thorns?" The grade 8 girl asked.

It is the people who ruin it.

"Just a normal comb. Leave me be please, I need to return these chrome books (laptops kinda) to the library." I said with a serious tone.

"Oh really? how about I do it for you?" The grade 8 girl asked.

"What?" I said in confusion, soon she pushed me to the ground making me lose balance. Thankfully I kept a few chrome books safe from falling only two fell onto the floor making a huge amount of noise. One door slammed its door and the other had a teacher going outside the classroom. I'm not gonna like this.

"Excuse me! you're being too loud in the hallways!" Mrs. Ellis said. But then she gasped and looked at the both of us "Lia! Nalas! what are you doing!" She said.

"Lia pu-" "I was helping to take the Chromebooks to the library with Nalas!" Lia said cutting me off of what actually happened. "Lia! it doesn't take two people to carry 4 chrome books!" I shouted.

"Mrs. Ellis she pushed me onto the ground making me drop the Chromebooks!" I said trying to prove myself. "No, I was helping you!" Lia talked back. "Liar you pushed m-" "ENOUGH!" Mrs. Ellis shouted. "Office. now." She said and pointed.




Lia glared at me as I left the principle's office, thank goodness I manage to prove myself but Lia looked really angry at me so that's kind of concerning. As passing by some posters and drinking fountains, I heard screaming in the mixed boy and girl washroom that no one uses. "No! My hair! Stop it!" A young girl screams.

Then there was silence...

"Like your hair now!" Another voice said, soon I heard crying and laughter mixed together "You're all mean I hate you!" The young girl's voice shouted. I saw her running out of the girl's washroom with very short hair with a pink sweater while wiping her tears away. Oh. Wait.

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