💜✅Common Sage (2)

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A/N: Not gonna lie this is kinda a bad story I don't know that's just me but enjoy anyhow I'll try to edit it somehow...

1419 Words

"WOO! Let's ride that again!" "Uagh... I think I'll pass Ember" "Okay! But don't tell me that you want to ride it again because I won't!" The girl runs in line while her sock on her hand screams at the male. "WAIT! TAKE ME WITH YOU!" Willy, on the other hand, didn't bother because of how drain out he was from the rollercoaster ride. "He,y guys.." An exhausted huff escapes Willy's mouth. "So Willy, are you having fun?" The male who sat beside Sage on a grassy hill while leaning backward. "No, of course not! Do you see these tears in my eyes?! That's how terrified I was!" "Oh boy and here we go again." He rolls his eyes, smirking. Sage decides to watch in silence as both of them had their conversation.

Her eyes lowered down to her watch.

It still ticks, quietly, but still ticking. She smiles at the thought of a memory before then fading into the scariest battle in her life. Liar, an evildoer who wanted to make everyone lie and hate each other forever, whereas, Honesty and his friends defeated him and his evil deeds. Sage felt a pang of sudden guilt as she heard the voice of Honesty ringing in a certain memory. Telling everyone to just leave him alone and let him learn. She feels as if that wasn't really a wise decision and maybe one day he'll come back and strike again, it has been a year since then after his attack...

While she was stuck in her thoughts, Honesty patted on her shoulder while Sage looks above at him he says, "You okay? You look spaced out for a moment there." Sitting beside her. "Wheres-" "Willy is with Ember & Googles to the haunted mansion." Sage nodded and made an 'I understand' expression. Sage's thoughts wander a bit, until finding a conversation to start with. "Do you think... You'll ever remember the rest of your memories of us?" Honesty looked at her and back at a far away Ferris wheel from them.

"I don't know actually." He shrugs while sighing afterwards. "I just- hope so... I mean, that beam of light wasn't just a beam of light was it? Maybe you knew a magic spell to make Liar weakened, however, you were effected because you used to much power." Sage explains while she lowers her head, playing with the grass beneath her. "Honesty? Why did you say we should leave Liar bac-" "HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO HAVE WHAT WE HAVE!" Sage jolted from Honesty's response. "Oh, go-god sorry... I was.." He holds his forehead.

"Sorry, I need a drink of water... I must be dehydrated... Hehe... Umm, I'll meet you at the haunted house okay?" Honesty gets up and rushes off quickly without any words from Sage. "Wait! Honesty!" She tried stopping him, however, ends up tripping on the grassy hill and rolls to the bottom of the pavement. "Aghh... That really wasn't... A good idea.." Looking above her surroundings, seeing that Honesty is nowhere in sight and only a few people walking around the amusement park. She dusts off her skirt and decides to find Willy, Ember and Googles in the haunted mansion.

Walking on her own she sees the sunset going down as the skies were in a blend of pink, blue, yellow, orange and purple. The lights flicker on, even if the sun hasn't fully fallen from the sky, she was near the pond with a dock, this is a place where many don't stop by often when it's sunsetting mostly the reason for the rest to see the fireworks. Although upon closer inspection, a person was sitting on the dock and figure a lot similar to- "Liar?" Sage calls out.

"IT'S NOT-" Liar turns around to only see Sage behind him. His expression forms into a shocked but depressed look, he stares back at the pond in front of him without any words. Sage decides to walk near him, although very cautiously just in case. "So you... Uhm, what are you doing here?" While he bearly heard the response he said "What?" Sage was confused why'd he sound a bit angry "What I said was.. Why are you here-" "Speak up please." Sage got a bit irritated but pushed it aside. "I said-" "Still can't hear you." He starts snickering without looking at her.

Meanwhile Sage took notice of it. "Were you teasing me?" "Probably." He starts to chuckle into laughter, while Sage gave him an irritated look crossing her arms. "Still and yet you still have the same look from before..." He mutters, slowly his voice fades to sad laughter into silence yet again. Sage gave a worried look at Liar as his back hunched over facing down. The water below him started to ripple a bit as if he was crying. "You... Should go now. You know, your friends? And besides that.." He stands up without looking at Sage and spoke "That watch on your wrist... If the watch ever stops ticking it means someone's lying and if the watch is still ticking it means someone telling the truth." The lamp post on the dock flickered and as Sage looks at it ,flickering Liar disappears.

She looks at her watch that it was still ticking. "Did he just told... The truth?" She looks at the dark pond without any light shown anywhere. She decides to find Honesty and the rest of her friends at the haunted house...

"Willy gets a grip it's just a ride" "But wa- What if?" "Calm down it's not real okay?" Ember stops shaking Willy until Sage was in her sight. "Oh, good timing Sage! We were just about to leave the park and meet you at the entrance." Ember explains what happened in the ride and starts the walk at the exit with Willy by her side terrified, as Googles was trying to tell him it's alright. Honesty, on the other hand, was walking beside Sage laughing at Willy's reactions when he keeps spooking him with a made-up scary story.

By the time the three Willy, Ember and Googles went home, Honesty decides to walk Sage home. They arrive at the entrance of her house and Honesty starts stretching his legs. "So much walking today! Woo!" "Yeah, it was a lot of walking my legs are killing me too." Sage reaches in her bag for her keys, however, when the moonlight shined on the watch on her right wrist she remembers what Liar had said earlier. "Hey Honesty... Before you go home. You sure you don't remember anything before you fought Liar on your own?" Honesty back was turned during that moment when he rehears the question in his head and froze. "Nope, not really. Why you ask?" She looks at her watch when closing her bag.

It stopped ticking, and it's hands weren't moving while Sage formed a horrified look on her face. "What's wrong?" Honesty suddenly says. "Uhm..." Sage was at a loss of words. "What is happening? Why did Liar tell the truth for once? Why was Honesty lying about that and during the battle he said- no he remembers it. Something did happen before he fought Liar one on one." She thought. "It's... Nothing never mind I forgot that I forgot to feed my pet fishes hehe.." She tried lying but she alrighty knows that Honesty knows what's going on, however, he said it's late as it is and that it was time for him to go home. They both parted ways and Sage quickly enters her home running upstairs into her room. She looks at the frozen watch and speaks. "I have five pet fish." In no time at all, it started ticking again while the hands started to move as well.

"Honesty did say he had a brother but... He said he only had two siblings didn't he?" She tries to think about who else would be in Honesty's family other than his two brothers Sage needs to find more info until tomorrow if she really wants to know. She turns off her lights and tucks herself into her bed glazing on the ceiling where the glow and the dark stars were, she shuts her eyes and prays that everyone will be alright tomorrow.

Start/fin: 6/26/2019
Edit: 9/20/2019

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