💜❌✅Seth and Niya (1)

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1007 words

*Shuffle* *Shuffle*

"Oh? Why's this in here?" A scruffy yet curious teenage boy questioned himself, raising the item up in the air. He smiles and nods, he looks above into the night sky before looking back down where his bag sat. "I think this should be enough." He folds the item into his worn bag and walks away from the dumpster.

Seth takes in a breath of air and walked in slience before reaching his destination. He looks at a tipped over dumpster and knocks onto the door. The door lifted open, toward where Seth stood, seeing his small flying friend and Niya while a lantern stood in between the both of them sitting on a old carpet. "Nice to see you both. Hows both of your day's?" He asks, closing the dumpster door behind him.

"Nothing much for us, Niya and I are playing jacks that we found in a nearby school's trashbin. No idea anyone would throw it out, it looked brand new too." His small feather says. "Really?" Seth surpised to see they got a full set without being damaged nor lost. Shortly after both Feather and Niya finished explaining their day, Seth remembered that he found something while he was out.

"Right! I forgot to give this to you Niya." Seth looks through his worn bag to find a frog raincoat that wasn't used at all except for the hood that looked like it was cut by a pair of scissors. "What do you think? I didn't think I would find it but it might work out whenever we're going out in the rain." Seth hands it to Niya and she stares at it for a long time. "That's a yes then." Seth puts aside the worn bag.

"What else is in the bag?" The feather asks. "Nothing too much importance, just things that could help us improve this place a little bit." Seth waves his hands while explaining, his eyes trailed to a small watch taped to the wall as the time reads as 10:56Pm. "Anyhow we need to get to bed, this means you too Niya." Looking at her direction.

"Okay..." She grumpily says soon snuggling into a worn out table cloth with a folded sweater supporting her head. Seth smiled at her, however, he frowned abruptly and shortly after said good night to Niya both of them, sleeping with his sweater on.


Niya piggy rides on Seth's back while his feather friend follows him. "Darn don't enough change for food." Seth curses. "I thought you were paid last night?" His feather says. "Yeah I did but thanks to this guy at work, he framed me for stealing the $500 dollars from the cash register."

"Let me guess he had the $500 on him didn't he?" "Yeah, the dumbass got caught later on but I didn't get rehired." "Woah jeez! We got a child here you know!" "What do you mean by dumbass, Seth?" Both the feather and Seth froze.

"I mean, what does dumbass mean? I know what the end word means, but not together with a different word." Although, even 12 years old and sorta knew bit of swear words. Seth tries his best to not to use bad words best as possible. He's kinda like a very over protective brother and sometimes his feathery friend doesn't like it.

"It's a bad word.." Seth struggles to say, placing her down on the ground. "Oh, so it's still a swear word? Okay then." Niya walked ahead of them, seeing a man standing in dark clothing. Without thinking Seth bumps into the man.

"Sorry! Sorry! Didn't see you-" Seth pauses to see how tall he was, his face turned pale. "By any chance you are Seth McCollum?" "Erm... Y-yes?" "That's wonderful our boss be very pleased." He barely smiles, while Seth is confused.


Oh yeah... That's how I got this job...


"AAAAAAAH!" Seth screamed while running away from the cops. "Jesus christ why does this have to happen to me!" Suddenly behind him a cop yelled "Your cornered surrender now!" Seth moves his eyes rapidly seeing a whole room of cops. He turns around to see the window was behind him. "Bro, do you think your magic can work like this?" Seth points outside looking at his feather friend. "I'll try!" The bristles of the feather started to glow while everyone shield their eyes while Seth sliced the window open with his katana, he jumped outside the window while his feather follows.

"Quick! Use it now!" He shouts, flying toward a building's rooftop, putting away his katana and starts running he jumps to building to building, laughing happily. "Oh my God we did! Aha! I can't believe we did it!" In quick movement he jumps down, landing to a set of stairs. Soon only to find there was a police car and bunch of officers above him. "Shiiii-"


"What am I going to do with you?" His boss runs his forehead. "Please give a chance! That was my first time I didn't know it was going to be that hard." "Well for starters your feather friend helped you with some type of flying ability which I admit is impressive, however, you were caught by one of the guards by falling out of one of the vents, on the other hand, you went to jail and surprisingly you did a sneaky job at getting the kanata back here so..." "so...?" Seth starts nervously thumbing with his fingers.

"You passed" his boss smiled.

"Because you still brought back the katana your reward is to keep it." Seth got excited "I won't let you down!" Seth says leaving the room. "So how did it go?" "I did it! I got the job!" "Congratulations Seth!" "Seth, guess what?" "What?" Seth smiles happily only to be shocked a few minutes later while Niya drags huge pair scissors, except it only had one half it.

"Can we keep it?"


First written 12/17/2018

Fun fact: Seth is scared of tall people XD

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